Finished Pokémon: Phantom Academy | Chapter II Start! Chapter of Darkness!

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RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy (accepting 2 new students...)

Night gasps. The shadow is magnificent in a worrying kind of way. Plus, the fact that it's headed for the town is an even bigger worry.
"Go, Luxray!"
Luxray appears on the scene, ready to strike if needs-be.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy (accepting 2 new students...)

"We need to warn the Mayor. The towns people need to evacuate or at least prepare if that thing can somehow attack!" Gaius yelled
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy (accepting 2 new students...)

"I disagree. I know that this is serious business, but as dragon fighters, they know what they're doing. They're capable of stopping it, and anyway, I don't like this place at all. It wouldn't be any skin off my nose if this place is snuffed out."
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy (accepting 2 new students...)

"yeah, these people are less than hospitable and I could care less if they live or die. I just want to fight this so called dragon of the lake" Rahul said as he ran after everybody
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy (accepting 2 new students...)

"I guess you guys don't care about human life then" Gaius retorted
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy (accepting 2 new students...)

"Its not that I dont care about human life, Its just that the sense of excitement that I feel at this moment is greater to me in importance than those townspeople" said Rahul with a smirk
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy (accepting 2 new students...)

"Our mission here is to stop this Dragon, which logically also implies saving the town!" Gaius yelled, his outburst causing his contract mark to appear
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy (accepting 2 new students...)

Rahul grinned quite devilishly as the shadow appeared to grow "You do what you want, but I know where my path might lead me"
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy (accepting 2 new students...)


it's funny how I was evil in TOT and now you're evil-ish here lol


Gaius ran down in the path of the shadow, waiting for it to near.


br0ken can something happen? lol.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy (accepting 2 new students...)

OOC: Yeah, It just seems like theres no real selfish power hungry guy in this so I took that role :p
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy (accepting 2 new students...)

"I vote that if you really care for their safety, you can fight it yourself. But I want to have the thrill of it."
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Vevill was from Pennsylvania. He was originally from Jerusalem, but his foster parents dropped him off at a dumb school in washington to "explore " himself. When Vevill found out he was transferring, he was excited. He was hopefully going to be around people like himself, hopefully. He was dropped off into a village next to a large mysterious building, this must be school.

OoC: Can my oshawott evolve, i didnt know it was level 35, i thought it was 15, so, is it a samurott?
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

I thought I explained everything to you. Must have never sent it.
PA isn't in Washington :Y.

PMing you now.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

OoC: Yeah! I joined! I am so happy! Thanks BrOkenICE!!!

IN: Rileigh walked in and was excited and a little worried. "Hello? Anyone here?" she asked as she walked in. "Wow! This is huge!"
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

:at: thefleeee
Of course!

Narrator said:
The trio of students hear another dragon's roar, and then witness a giant pillar of water appear in the middle of the village.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

"Wow. An abandoned mansion. This is huge! Wow! Hey I have three pokeballs. That's odd. Well come on out everyone!" said Rileigh throwing her pokeballs into the air. Out came out a Snivy, Numel, and Caterpie. "Snivy, sniv!" said the Snivy. "Numel, num!" said the Numel. "Caterpie, cat!" said the Caterpie. "Wow a Numel, Snivy, and Caterpie! I love them already! Com'on lets explore!" said Rileigh.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

For those who don't know. I gave all three of the new players objectives to do.

New Players:

Snivylover555 - Rileigh
Chellochello - Vevill
Robot3300 - Brett
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Out: welcome robot! See you followed me here, k, cool, we can be roomates i guess
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