Finished Pokémon: Phantom Academy | Chapter II Start! Chapter of Darkness!

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RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

*clears throat*
I have to say something don't I?
Let's see...

I don't know...

Just pay attention Chello. That is...if you decide to stay.

But that doesn't matter.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

OoC: Thanks for the encouragement, but i dont know if its going to get better. My RPG is sucky so that might close(woot).

And im staying
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

OOC: I'm sure that your RPG will be fine. Mine needed a big kick before it got going. It's best to promote it via signature. Plus, in this day and age, if you're fortunate enough to have a computer that you can go on every day, you are living better off than most of the world. I'm sure that your troubles can be overcome.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

I guess it's time to get a-rollin':

Narrator said:
The next day, it was just around 3:00pm as the plan started. Brett, Vevill, Riliegh, Gaius, Night, and Rahul stood in the center if the village. Surprisingly, nobody stared at them, or really paid them any mind. Bagon was eying a cloud in the sky.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Vevill didnt know why nobody stared at him. He was only new, why do this now? He didnt even have classes and he was already gone. He hoped to get out of this fast.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Brett stood there. "Is it time?" he asked, rolling the Luxary Ball around in his fingers. Bagon was at his side.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

OoC: Everybody is in the center of the village. Brett (me) has Bagon. Hyderion is inside a Pokeball. We are going to awkaen the Dragon of the Sea to sea (pun intended) where it goes.

Gonna be gone for a bit.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

OOC: Sorry guys..I feel like a n00b. I haven't been able to go online since this college camp(Upward Bound) started. But I'll be on only for the next few weekends. Then everything should balance out.

So were can Serenity jump in? Or can she?
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


I'm assuming you could just have followed me/dusk/etc and be with the group. Shouldn't be too much of a hassle, but ask br0ken to be sure
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Vevill was going to chase down that dragon. He threw out rotom and use a couple of leaf storms to see where the dragon might be.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

:at: Ice_M
Don't worry.
We're in a Faraway Village, that has a strict rule on Dragon Pokemon.
The rule being that the limit of Dragon Pokemon a trainer can have is 1.
When this rule was broken, a mysterious Dragon Pokemon called "The Dragon of the Sea" came to take the rule-breaker away.
Currently, three Academy students and three trainers(Chellochello, Snivylover555, and Robot3300) have a plan to seek out the dragon's location.
BrOken said:
Dusk tosses a Luxury Ball containing a Hydreigon in it to Brett. He then took out a pink watch from his pocket.
Dusk: "Tomorrow, you'll show off your two Dragon Types to the village. That should provoke the Dragon of the Sea. Then you'll be taken with the dragon, which should tell us where it keeps others. This watch lets out a scent that only Grass Pokemon can smell, your Snivy Riliegh. Follow the scent, which contrary to it's name should be near the ocean, using your Samurott Vevill. I mean you do have one, right? I can tell from your energy."

Your character can appear out of nowhere, but you must start from the mansion.

:at: Chello
Please stop doing that.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

"Everyone come on out!" shouted Rileigh. And out came a Snivy, Numel, and Caterpie. "Hows it going everyone? The Dragon of the Sea is supposed to be coming soon. All we need to do is wait. Snivy be prepared to follow a scent soon. You'll be the only one who can smell it."
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

chellochello said:
OoC: Stop what, not starting from the mansion?

The fact that you made a noise come out of nowhere in a quiet village.

I'll post the "Narrator Quote" after this.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Serenity started walking from the mansion, she had awoken late from the current events happening. She was tired still but she needed to find the others...and a Sea Dragon.

"Wonder what thats all about..." she thought outloud.

She tilts her head back and continues walking. When she tilted her head back into a vertical position she could see the village...

"Mmmm about another ten minute walk is all."
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Narrator said:
Overhead, a glowing speck of light can be seen. It was Dusk's Chandelure. That was the signal! Brett let out Hydreigon and stood on it's back as Bagon, Hydreigon, and himself floated in the air. This quickly gathered attention, soon the news would spread throughout the entire village.
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