Baktwerel said:
I sincerelly hope we do get Mega Ninetails. Like, I'm gonna cry in the corner for days if we don't sincerelly.
Some rumors say Arcanine gets one and that Arcanine is X exclusive (possibly being very rare in Y). Seeing as other old version exclusives are the same way and Vulpix/Ninetails weren't found yet (as far as I know), they might be in Y (and rare in X). And if the Arcanine mega evolution will happen...then maybe, just maybe... *sniff* C'mon GameFreak! Make Mega Ninetails happen!! T3T
I jsut cant see WHY they wouldn't. When I think France, I think foxes, snails & poodles.
Hence the ones we've got, I just think they could do something incredible with ninetails.
it would have to add the psychic typing to it though