I'm curious as to what is so beloved by Gen three that people want a remake? I'm not trashing it, I'm just honestly curious, because I thought it was also largely agreed by fans that Gen 3 was one of the worst gens made. Is it just because it's "next in line" for a remake? Or is Hoenn more popular than I thought?
Personally, I'd LOVE a Gen 3 remake because then they would bring back contests and the contest hall! YAY!!! I still have no idea why they thought that the pokemon musical would be an okay replacement for this different and neat system. It allowed you to train pokemon with movepools you'd otherwise never use in battle :/ In fact, they did it for two generations it was so great!
But Gen 4 is my favourite (though I think this gen will soon replace it when I start playing). Gen four had the battle frontier

If I could request a remake, I'd probably say Gen 4, Sinnoh, because then I'd get my contest Hall back and the Battle Frontier. (now that I mention it, remake any game, remake no games, just please bring back contests and the battle frontier!)
But if they did gen 3, I'd be cool with that too. I really hope travelling to a past region is a part of the post-game content and no one has found it yet, or maybe it's realeased by an event give away. I'm also hoping over time that they consider DLC for these games, I'm crossing fingers that Hoenn is DLC unlockable.