Pokemon Pokémon You Love Despite Their IV / Nature

I just got an absolutely gorgeous shiny Breloom in the Friend Safari. I wasn't even hunting for a shiny, just an Adamant Technician! Its Nature is Rash, and its ability is Poison Heal, but it does have perfect Atk. and Sp. Atk Who cares though, I think I'm gonna use it anyway!
I release any Pokemon that isn't perfect. If they aren't good enough for battling/breeding/trading. They aren't good enough for me.

lol jk. But seriously, I never get attached. I restarted my Black 2 even though it had my first ever EV Trained Pokemon with my favorite nickname and it was my favorite Pokemon. I just don't care

Now that I think about it though, my new fully IV breed and EV trained Kangaskhan may become a little bit of a fav.
My Shiny Gyarados with terrible IVs and a Modest nature. It's my first randomly caught shiny - on Diamond while fishing.
Both my shiny Ho-oh and my shiny Kakuna (and soon to be shiny Lugia). They may remain unused and untrained (that's why there's cloning) in the PC, but they are still valuable to me.