PokéPoetry! #1
Once again, PB writers, it's time for an exhilarating contest! We are excited to introduce a new style of contest - one that we've never done before. I don't want to espouse a bunch of superfluous jargon, so I'll cut to the chase. We are introducing a poetry contest. "Well, what do we have to do?" "What does this contest entail?" Simply, you must follow these rules, and we will explain.
Rules I. You must reserve a post in this thread, detailing your chosen style of poetry. Example:
II. Once we acquire the list of names from your reserved posts, we will RANDOMLY assign a Pokémon with which you will create your freestyle poem.
III. Don't plagiarize; any instances of plagiarism will result in a disqualification from the contest and a ban. IV. You will be able to choose up to three of your favorite poems during the judging phase. You will be able to either "like" the contestant's post or send a PM to Colress with the name(s) of the contestant('s)/poem's title. |
This contest will be very relaxed, and you will be given the opportunity to write your poem in any way you desire. For example, if you are assigned a dark, gloomy Pokemon like Mismagius, you are free to make your poem reflect upon that Pokemon's nature and type, or you may completely surprise us and write the complete opposite and incorporate the positives and playfulness of Mismagius. It's all up to you! A few examples of the types of poetry are as follows:
- Free Verse
- Blank Verse
- Haiku
- Sonnet
- Epic
- Limerick
- Song (duh!)
And many, many more... (Google's your friend)
Important Dates 8/10 Sign Ups begin. 8/15 Sign Ups end and Pokémon are assigned. 8/24 Entries for Round One are due and voting begins. 8/27 Voting ends and winners are announced! |
[smod]Ice Arceus[/smod], Department Head
[mod]Delta[/mod], Moderator
[mod]Colress[/mod], Moderator
[mod]Delta[/mod], Moderator
[mod]Colress[/mod], Moderator
List of Contestants:
1. Lucky Fire (Free Verse) - Quilava
2. Ice Arceus (Free Verse) - Grumpig
3. Colress (Free Verse) - Victini
4. Drohn (Free Verse) - Musharna
5. Thetwiggy13 (Free Verse) - Staravia
6. Morsus (Free Verse) - Electrike
7. Eagle4 (Free Verse) - Squirtle
8. Keeper of Night (Haiku) - Mamoswine
9. James86134 (Haiku) - Seel
10. L100B works (Cinquain) - Sawk
11. RaichuGirl (Haiku) - Golem
12. SheNinja (Haiku) - Cherubi