table 102 @Panzerolas wins 2-1 versus @braywing gg dude, good luck next rounds.
Table 110 Round 3 @ShinyZard tie against @Braiden1235 as we couldn't find time to play our match.
@PokeMedic - We added you to our conversation requesting a time extension. If granted, we could play our match tonight. Thanks!
this@mordacazir wins 2-0 vs @Refrigerated Elements
I'd also like to ask a possible time extension for Berlin internationals. The next round will be completely occupied by it for most. I'll be back home on monday for example. Is there any way we could get a time extension @PokeMedic ?
@PokeMedic - Thank you for the time extension! Because of it, we were able to play our match.I grant you a time extension.