Anyone who plays in these events for long enough has had similar things happen. It sucks, but ruling disconnections as a loss is the only way we can protect the integrity to keep everyone from having to worry about people cheating by disconnecting when things go badly for them.Furious about that WiFi going down haha. Lost ShaunTheBoufflant lost 2-0 to @Da_Loc
table 184
@ichfunktion wins 2:0 versus @Zster
He is a real sportsmen, as I was a hour too late by a mistake on my side with the time zone calculation.
Unfortunately he had bad luck after my T1 let loose
I am entering this in as a win for Mordacazir, but please either invite me to the conversation or provide me with screenshots of it, so that I can verify everything.@mordacazir wins vs @du_megaman because of him being late to the match
Got it. Thanks for playing, as usual. I'm glad you enjoyed playing despite not getting the optimal result. I'll see you next time!I will be dropping from this month's tournament! Thanks @JGB146 for all your work organizing this month.
Table 240 @Audiofreak19 2-0 over @Brian Kent