PokeBeach Create A Pokemon Project

King Arceus

Aspiring Trainer
Elite Member
Advanced Member

Credit to Xous​

Welcome to Create-A-Pokemon! This is going to be a unique project where everyone comes up with a brand new and complete Pokemon including everything from back sprites to base stats. Our Pokemon will be competitively viable for the TCG metagame along with the BW OU metagame. Everyone from artists to TCG players to VG players will be included in making both the card and the rest of the Pokemon. Here is a quick outline of what we will be doing over the next couple months in CAP:

-VG Concept Thread/Selection
-TCG Concept Thread/Selection
-Primary Typing
-Secondary Typing (VG)
-PokeBody / PokePower
-VG Stats
-TCG HP / Moves
-General Artwork (Will be open for a long time once begun)
-VG Movepool
-Card Art
-VG Sprites

There will be many details to the various steps of the process, and there is sure to be something that interests you. Eventually we plan to implement the CAP on our Pokemon Online server once completed, and a complete fake card will be created. CAP will be located in the Fake Creations forum.

Discuss anything relating to the upcoming CAP here!
Is every member allowed to take part in this? And if so, can we only do parts of it like, some create sprites, while others create the Pokemon's learnable movepool?
Every member is allowed to participate. You do not have to do every part; you can pick and choose what you do.
You don't sign up for parts. You will just post in the threads that get made.
Sounds awesome. I might revive my old fakemon. Would that be allowed?
Looking forward, might bring back some old Fakemon ideas I have had in the past (such as Orcine from ages ago)
As long as this pokemon is not allowed in standard play, I'm all for it!
I'm not too terrible at Pokemon art, hahaha. :p

I'll be drawing Fakemon or creating stats... I doubt that last part will happen, through. :D
I was able to successfully implement CAP on my server before Smogon could for Pokemon Online. Back when I didn't run the server for PB I did that. Smogon also doesn't deal anything with the TCG like we do.
This looks interesting. I'll try to involve myself in the TCG portion, but the Naming will be my favorite part :].
This is really amazing.

Hopefully, if I have time I will help out. I will be following this project closely.
You know I'm down with creating both general and card artwork as well as the TCG cards to go along with the Pokémon!
I might consider doing it... Does it have to be 1 Pokémon or can it be an evolution chain?
Oh yes i am so in.
Do we have to have stats and everything? And just like above, can we do evolution chains?
I'll be doing cards and evolution chains...