Pokebeach Forums Fan Creations Reform Project


Just wondering but when do you plan to make the Render Database, if you are going to? Because I don't want to waste my time doing all these renders for there not to be a place for them, and if that place comes, it be 3 months from now.
ElectroManiac said:

Just wondering but when do you plan to make the Render Database, if you are going to? Because I don't want to waste my time doing all these renders for there not to be a place for them, and if that place comes, it be 3 months from now.

We're still looking into it....we could make a Photobucket account for it, or ask WPM to add it to the site content. We arent sure yet...let us look into it further and we will post our decision when it is made.

-Black Rayquaza
Okay, thanks for clearing that up.

In your opinion, do you see it happening soon, and should I continue doing them?
ElectroManiac said:
Okay, thanks for clearing that up.

In your opinion, do you see it happening soon, and should I continue doing them?

Go ahead and continue rendering as much as you like. Please don't feel obligated to render anything for us yet, if thats what you want to do and plan on adding them thats fantastic, but we are not asking on any of you to start rendering. I'm really planning for at the latest, the render bank project to begin a month from now.

-Black Rayquaza
I have one week till school so I will go ahead and AT LEAST finish Rising Rivals. I hope not a month, would you try and get it up in 1-2 weeks max? Sorry, but school will be taking up most of my time now.
I'm a little confused as to who your referring to as we. You haven't exactly explained who's being included.

Also what's wrong with Tutorial and Resource thread that I have up now? I have everything in categories and all it is is me adding links hyperlink form. Nothing untidy about it.

And now that I think about it how come your not set on creating a SoTW/MBC that people care about for more than 2 months (Well SoTW died because Pandamore had left but still..)
lilsparks101 said:
I'm a little confused as to who your referring to as we. You haven't exactly explained who's being included.

Also what's wrong with Tutorial and Resource thread that I have up now? I have everything in categories and all it is is me adding links hyperlink form. Nothing untidy about it.

And now that I think about it how come your not set on creating a SoTW/MBC that people care about for more than 2 months (Well SoTW died because Pandamore had left but still..)

Certain members of the Pokebeach Staff who are working on this with me.

The issue with the thread was that it was outdated, only featured a few resources, and wasn't updated since you had left the forums for an increased amount of time. We're planning on re-doing most, if not all the stickies in Fan Creations and adding to them in addition to refining them.

We very well could create an MBC or SOTW contest.....the last time we had tried to do that, there just wasn't enough interest. If 12 people enter a month, its just not successful enough to bother with doing it. We will keep it open as an option in the future but as of right now, there isnt going to be an official contest for banners at this time.

-Black Rayquaza
I knew they were smart when they picked you to be a junior mod B-Ray! The fan-fic are has ben a bit slow lately but is coming right back up to speed and will even more with this project!

You know me, I'll be happy to help in any way I can if I can!

I'm very excited about the render blank thread and also about renovating all the threads with tips and tutorials (art, CnC, writing).
The thing is this site has litteraly no taggers and now that most of the members that did tags at a higher level have left to actuall taging sites where there are resources by the thousand there is about 10 people left.

I think a graphics team is needed to organise this and create and ask other sites for material to add to the resources.
B-Ray, you did a lot since we were talking last night, lol. Last night, there were only 2 tings done, now almost all of the Celadon Mart goals have been accomplished. I can't wait for the Fan Creations changes to happen ;)

And I have a sugestion for a change in Fan Creations. Pandamore wanted to do this w hile back but never did it:
Make a "Graphics Encylopedia", with all the terms, etc related to graphics.
ElectroManiac said:
B-Ray, you did a lot since we were talking last night, lol. Last night, there were only 2 tings done, now almost all of the Celadon Mart goals have been accomplished. I can't wait for the Fan Creations changes to happen ;)

And I have a sugestion for a change in Fan Creations. Pandamore wanted to do this w hile back but never did it:
Make a "Graphics Encylopedia", with all the terms, etc related to graphics.

Pandamore and sparks did this, but unfortunately, it wasn't stickied. :(

:( you didn't do the writing corner changes first?
-Art Dictionary

It was posted in the Tutorial and Resource Thread, rather than messing with the forum with excessive stickies.

@DF: I think he had said he has a team already. But he said it was some of the staff members, the problem with that is I can only think of 1 or 2 who actually make a decent tag. I know a few who are spriters/fakers and a couple who write, but that's not exactly the dark spot in Fan Creations activity (baring the writers).
I said he was creating a team, based on when I asked him "Who is the we you keep referring to" he said "Certain members of the staff...". So I know that.
Please check out and comment on the new changes happening in both the Celadon Mart and Writing Corner forums.

-Black Rayquaza
Within two days of being appointed you already completed 2/3 of your goals! Next up: Fan Creations.... I can't wait :3
Yup, Celadon Mart is awesome ^^

It reminds me of how the Clans and Clubs forum was run, with the approvation and stuff.
Okay....updated the list with The Reform Team as well as crossing some more things off the list....we're hoping to at least post the Hall of Fame tonight.....we will proceed to add things in the coming few days. If you have good suggestions for some threads to be in the Hall of Fame whether it be Galleries, Competitions, Shops, Stories, Breakfast-Food themed pokedexes, or anything else Fan Creations please PM me or post it here (please include a link)

-Black Rayquaza