Pokebeach Groups(Specificly Teams)


Retired Mod
I have a concern about teams in the Pokebeach Groups section. Some of the teams aren't actually teams, they are really just discussion threads with a wide variety of topics relating to one specific idea. And the thing is, I know why they are seeming like that. It's because people are on multiple teams for the same topic. There are quite a few members that are on two different TCG teams, which doesn't make them really team members at all. They just joined the groups to talk about the card game, which can be done elsewhere. That is why I have a proposition for a new rule: You can only be on one team for each topic, meaning you can't be on two different VG or TCG teams at the same time. This rule would help teams act more like teams instead of just threads that only applicants can post on. Besides, if you really want to talk about the TCG or VG alot, you can do so in their respective sections. Thank you for reading this, I hope you can understand where I am coming from.

I'm guessing you'd rather not do this, but may you actually point a finger and link a few posts or something to demonstrate your argument?
I'm just not really sure how I could demonstrate my argument without just giving you the lists of members from two different TCG teams. The thing is that I don't really feel like a private team. For example, I could discuss some secret strategies with my team, and someone else from my team would just give that information away to another team. I know anybody can just read our thread, but it just doesn't feel right to me that someone could betray our team.
Hmm, one person per Team could work...Can you point me in the direction of the certain threads instead of posts? Or is it really all of them? lol

dmaster out.
Here is a list of members that are on Team Typhoon and The Storms:
Arcanine King
Pokekid Brandon
I'd say make team threads private (I know on one site I'm on, we have private teams that only the members who are in it can view everything), but then we'd have to implant a system for it, but it works.

And then limit people to 1 clan each if you do that.
I know what your talking about, and agree, but also disagree. Are we trying to say that we should only be allowed to be on one TCG team? Because that seems like the only way we could really protect this, but people (like me) like to be on more than one team, so they can get advice from different people so they can decide what to use. I don't know who the people are that show other teams advice, but I think something should be done about it.
mr.619 said:
I'd say make team threads private (I know on one site I'm on, we have private teams that only the members who are in it can view everything), but then we'd have to implant a system for it, but it works.

And then limit people to 1 clan each if you do that.
That would require a user group for each team. Too much.
Kevin Garrett said:
That would require a user group for each team. Too much.
Poor Xous would die of userbar requests for their clan.. >.<

if he hasn't already.. lol

I've never understood the true reason for groups, its like joining a group on facebook, the only reason you're joining that is either because you like it, or a friend of yours likes it; it shouldn't be this thing you should flaunt.
We're going to be enforcing a rule that makes it so you can only join one TCG Group and one Battling Group later today. Expect some changes.
Gale said:
We're going to be enforcing a rule that makes it so you can only join one TCG Group and one Battling Group later today. Expect some changes.

Praise (your) Lord !
I say your lord cause not all of us worship a god ;]
Gale said:
We're going to be enforcing a rule that makes it so you can only join one TCG Group and one Battling Group later today. Expect some changes.
What if we are already on 2 or 3 teams? I honestly don't like this idea
You're going to have to quit all but one. You keep saying this is a bad idea, and yet, I don't hear any reasonable alternative.

dmaster out.
A lot of clans have people in more than one, when people have to choose which team to stay with, all but only 1 or 2 teams will be left active, since a lot of their members will be gone...
I see Team Typhoon and maybe another team being active after a couple weeks... whether people think this is a good thing or not I'm not sure, but I don't see it as something good
If clans die because their members all leave to stay in another group, they shouldn't have been living in the first place. You don't need 3+ different places to discuss the same thing with the same people.
I'm a member of 3 teams and I'm actually loving this idea it's solving some of my issues and nowadays I've only felt serious with one team that I'll be loyal to.
jirachinick said:
A lot of clans have people in more than one, when people have to choose which team to stay with, all but only 1 or 2 teams will be left active, since a lot of their members will be gone...
I see Team Typhoon and maybe another team being active after a couple weeks... whether people think this is a good thing or not I'm not sure, but I don't see it as something good

Well, this is basically like natural selection then. Let the better clans survive and push the other ones to be better.

dmaster out.
I like the idea and I get where it came from. I think it's because the Storms and Typhoon are waging war and there are members of both. Either way they win, doesn't seem like a team.
Gale said:
We're going to be enforcing a rule that makes it so you can only join one TCG Group and one Battling Group later today. Expect some changes.

OMG I DID SOMETHING THAT MATTERS ON POKEBEACH!!! Thanks for understanding my side of the arguement and taking my thoughts and ideas seriously.
Why does this seem like a gang war...?
Couldn't someone still give strategies through PM, and stuff like that... I may seem stupid because I dont join clans...