Finished PokeBeach IRC Chat Werewolf

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Server was shutdown. Probably just some modifications being done. It will be up soon most likely.
Happy to say that we should be getting an improved bot with more roles soon!
I would assume each role requires a player minimum before it's used.
Double posting. Yay.

I'd like to announce that I have edited a priest role into the source code and recompiled it. This bot is now running on #TWG for trial runs. There must be at least seven people playing before the priest role is inclued into the game. If you play there and notice a bug, please let me know so I can remove it. Thanks!
Priest role has been implemented at #TWG

Max Player expansion to 17 players
A third worlf at 13 players
Indie/Other special town role?
Priest role now being hosted by myself and will be available at #Werewolf 24/7
WWBot, now featuring subtle jabs at Teapot \o/
What? You had a game when I WAS AWAY FROM THE CHAT?! Couldn't you of PM'd me, or told me on Skype?

I'll make sure to contact you next time ^^

Also, I'm taking requests for custom lines! PM me the best you can come up with :)
What do you mean by "custom lines"?

EDIT: And I hope this doesn't count as reviving...
Custom things for the bot to say. We have a few people on right now if you guys want to play :)
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