Oh I should give reasons too. FOS on me.
New Player 2: Dusk Form Lycanroc
New Player 3: Mirdo
Veteran: Robin Aisaga
TE for the crux kill on me first and foremost. Had I survived there I do think I die sooner over later, but Mafia team has a much easier path to the end. At the time, I thought you were looking in the Mimiyuku convo and picked up on DFL = Aipom meaning I must be scum, but seeing you not pick up on that but still make the right call is both less and more impressive

But just in general a well-rounded eager player willing to challenge the status quo and keeping the game alive.
DFL the player who of the most obviously new to Mafia, seemed to do the best. Might be a bit backward logic on my part, but a lot of the others like TE/Mirdo/Lele came across as pretty veteran even if they weren't. Meanwhile you on Day 1 were another Goomy, probably doomed to fail rapidly. But you could see as the game went on you were actively learning the game and improving. You might well be the only player who went and read the rules and old games beforehand. I'm a sucker for a player who is putting in the effort. Outside of the early days the only real slip-up I saw was you leaving your name over in the private chat. But when vets were doing the same thing here in public that's not too bad. My only tip I guess is don't trust anyone ever unless host-confirmed as town. And even then be wary.
Mirdo is someone who's style of play is needed, and a way I tend to play occasionally. Them raw stats had me pegged as vocal mafia um, but no-one was picking up what you were laying down. I could read from that chart (and combined with vote patterns) that Robin was likely scum too, and how Pika probably was, and that our other still alive scum were certainly dodgy. I started pushing your name in maf-chat and in public almost immediately because it scared me to leave you alive.

My only wish is that there was more of it, more activity and posting from yourself. I think too, it was at the point were you claimed your role that started an avalanche of what might well have won it for town, your spotlights were what could have cracked this if people paid more attention. I was very carefully trying to make sure town drew the wrong conclusions from them :v V. surprised to see you in the noob list and not with the vets.
I think the reasons for Robin should be obvious enough, the last-standing scumbuddy and a communicative leadership role behind the scenes too. Steered town wrong often without getting spotted doing it. I crunched some numbers when I got cut and I didn't see how on earth we could win without Robin dying so we could buy a day, but that would leave Pika needing to be the one that outlived all. But Robin found a way where I might have given up. GG Robin.
I do wish I could nominate extra people. There were some very impressive and dangerous vets here - Morda & QP the standouts for me, and priority boots I wanted to do at various times. SM / Simsands / Blakers, keeping the game thriving, and of course GM Drac & Simsands from my own side. But Robin has to pip them all for that performance.
Honorable mentions for noobs too - the pair of sub-ins of Lele & Mariano were particularly impressive, it's not easy picking up the slack of someone else's role. Samwise & AP too, while maybe not astounding tactically, keeping the game rolling and fun is a big part of why bother to play in the first place. Goomy <3 for the same reasons.