Pokebeach New Year Resolutions?

Guys, you do realize that by saying you want to become a mod, you're limiting your chances of becoming one, right?
Pandamore said:
SotH said:
Hhhmm...I guess my PokeBeach new years resolution would be:

~Becoming a Mod. (Maybe one day)
~Not to abuse my powers.
~Finally showing off my artistic abilities.
~Keep my all A's average up at school this semester.
~Make Top cut at States.
~Make a lot of donations.
~Get a job at American Funds.
~Get back into Skating.

That's it...I think.

Lolz since it worked for you...

-Become a mod xD
-Work on Sparring more
-Pass Spanish
-Learn Japanese

Sheesh, Sarah.
It's not a priority want. Can't I just kid around. Oh well:p
Just have fun on the forums, that's all that counts.
My main priorities are the ones at the bottom of the list.
Pandamore= Shaymin707? 0.o

I just figured that out.

My New Year's resolution is to become more hooked in real-life stuff. (EX, meet more people, learning what's happening at school)

I get soooo many cases where ppl ask me
"You know this person?"

And I'll stare at them blankly.
My resolutions are:

~Play more sports
~Make it to Worlds every year
~Make it T4 Worlds
~Be more attractive and muscular X(
~Stop being so weird
My resolutions are...

- Actually have the courage to go to States
- To become known more on the forums(yeah, like that's ever gonna happen)
- Stop being the "invisible" kid (people at school always pretend to not notice me)
-Try not to ask N00b questions
-Get my post thingy up to 1000 in 2009!
-Try and open a shop
-Make a "good" fan-fic.
Get a an OUNCE of self-esteem. Just a little. Uhh... stop bringing such drama to beach :S. Oh, and a girlfriend would be nice.

I'd also like to contribute to the beach as much as possible. ;p
My main Pokemon and RL resolution is to finish everything I'm writing. (2 Pokemon fanfics, 1 Star Wars fanfic, and a lot of my own stuff.)

Secondary is judging Regionals. Pfft, like that's gonna happen.