Pokebeach Top Chef

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I'm going to try to set the bar high, and post this early in case anyone gets similar ideas. :p
I may still edit this list slightly.

Frustration Pattern

3-2-3 Venusaur, SW
2-1-2 Dustox, PL
1-1 Gliscor, promo (Gligar LA-94)
1 Azelf, LA
3 Uxie, LA
3 Crobat G, PL

2 : Night Maintenance, SW-120
3 : Rare Candy, GE-102
3 : Super Scoop Up, MD-87
2 : Warp Point, MD-88
2 : PlusPower, SW-121
1 : Luxury Ball, SF-86
3 : Roseanne's Research, SW-125
3 : Bebe's Search, SW-119
2 : Leftovers, GE-99
3 : Broken Time-Space, PL-104

3 : Call Energy, MD-92
1 : Recover Energy, MD-96
2 : Psychic Energy, DP-127
8 : Grass Energy, DP-123

The basic strategy is to pound the opponent with double/triple status (Poison and Burn, Sleep/Confusion) and prevent attack with Dustox's body. Sleep prevents retreat. Abuse your own 0 retreat when you can. This gets extremely annoying.

Dustox provides either Poison or Burn & Confusion, and Venusaur fills in (from the bench). Without Venusaur, pokes without powers or bodies would not be locked. Venusaur also bypasses Unown G.
Pluspower is there to provide that extra 10 damage so that the defending pokemon dies from poison after their turn (calculated for when burn flips heads/tails), giving you a chance to double status their next active and provide a smooth continuation of the lock. Crobat G is similar, but it can also take out something the opponent benched in the nick of time (bypasses Unown G).
Uxie is used, surprisingly, as a continuous draw. Retreat Dustox, send up Uxie. Uxie will attack and remove itself to the deck, along with any attached Pluspowers. Send up Dustox again to keep the lock. Uxie then can be re-used later.
Crobat can also attack, and Venu then puts the opponent to sleep to protect it from counterattack.
Gliscor is a tech for a surprise one-energy kill (though only at 50% success) if you need it badly or cannot wall something, making an autoloss winnable. (Venusaur provides the poison to OHKO, or Crobat can take it out on the next turn)
SSU gives you free damage cleaning from any pokemon when coupled with Broken Space-Time, or more Crobat uses. It also reuses your Recover Energy.
Leftovers cleans off any damage Dustox may have taken after your opponent used Switch/Warp Point, or after a KO.

Relatively cheap and effective - NO LV Xs.

I also made another deck; may I post it as well? (EDIT: nvm, the combo doesn't work... )
Are multiple submissions allowed?
i'd like to join too^^
that shouldn't be a problem, i assume, for the thread obviously needs to be refreshed (is that proper english o.0 cause i'm from germany).
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