Hello, everyone. I've had a busy day today and I am just now getting a chance at posting this.
Here is a
tentative signup list:
Overflow premium competitors:
- Mariano11887
- uncleyuri
- Loaf of Slakoth (PikaSurfing9)
- AngelBeast (BurnsyBeast)
Premium competitors:
- Ecourts
- Trixss
- Nobodyshero2727
- Kyoushiro44
- Frosstoise
- PwnzorProd
- Dave Sontag (davesontag)
- Anthony Bulone (Bulone24)
- CreXzzzz
- Ricky Kenner (Noxrill)
- rainyman123
- Serperior (EspeonROX)
- danimal01 (Danimal_01)
- HurricaneGL
- jbcheshire (macboy02)
- normanc (TheCrusader4)
- Arneboy11
- Seth Vilo (Seth-Vilo)
- My Little Keldeo (KeldeoDash)
- Coolpilot
- Stefen Brink (SKULLFORLIFE86)
- killrnite
- Eddie123 (Eddie562983)
- Twixz
- MoFoTY86 (MasterRogue05)
- Ceraphrim (Nephalite)
- Epist (Epist00)
- Gengar master (Gengar-101)
- Wil Yates (Itzyatzee)
- Dfwallace2 (Wjwallace)
- austincredible76 (Austincrediblle)
- Schmeky
- Gible06 (Pokemon1058900)
- TheAnticipationEevee (AbsolutelyEevee)
- CrownXY (crownnyxy
- jahmot (thomahawk97)
- PikaMasterJesi (Master_Chuchu)
- matthewbny (am_jabib)
- BrianFrobey
- Xernes07
- murfbabe
- Jay Sal (Tangelatamer)
- Kamato (Arceas010406)
- Tyranitar92 (Carbon00)
- tammika
- WastedSkyPirate
- Mr.GX (Mister_GX)
- DaGod503 (Marcus503)
- Thad (Thadger)
- Rindon
- D2B2WIN1
- Vivek (vivek8086)
- BugTrainer (McCvoys)
- ZeGlow
- thewayne012
- TheGuardian118
- Josh Koehler (jkoehlz)
- akealon
- Greninja13 (MinunPlusle13)
- Magmarco (YoMaMa2017)
- ThePokemonSensei (Saeed_BK)
- Niteclaw1028
- zacherminator
- Memory (Mesmerisingly)
- hebs82 (101poulets)
- Seng vang (svang20)
- winwinxx
- Hansel (Rhodan818)
- maveriq00
- Supergingerkid
- d0omdud3
- Knite (KniteX)
- Resistant76
- UltimaKey
- Phire Phox (phirephox)
- Jun11b
- michew
- Chris Allen (Tophmister)
- ShineyPikachu
- Filipe Cardoso (Nullv3) (Nullv3)
- kgamer7
- BunkBun (Clairbee11497)
- Filthy_Fox
- Christian Ellingstad (Zomanga)
- sw_bionic
- jessalakasam (TrainerDylan19)
- PikaKnight (PikaKnight97)
- Prince Dedenne (AlexWilsonTX)
- Regalia (stemwahynder)
- Mazo (Mazo90)
- Chocoballss (Chocoballzz)
Overflow competitors:
- Nate the Boi (Astrocougarman)
- Bournopolis (Dlbourne90)
- Slurma
- Jadethepokemontrainer (Someweirdpokemo)
- ManikMark
- Starrydash (Radlynn)
- GrandPanacea (Tobi2x4)
Total signups: 103
Always glad to see new faces sign up. For those who don't know me, I'm PMJ and I am organizing this tournament. If you have any questions about anything tournament related, I'm your guy.
There are a couple new changes for April that I'll go over in more detail once the first round starts, but I'd like to stress--again--that it is
imperative that you check the pairings thread at the start of every round, because that is where I am going to put notes that I have for everyone. You are responsible for making sure you check it at the start of every round. I will be saying this a lot over the course of the signup phase, even though I shouldn't have to because you all read it in the news story, right?
Don't forget, you all promised to make three posts over the course of the month. I actually do go back and check every single person who played in the previous month's tournament to see if they upheld their promise, so it would be in your best interests to find a discussion thread and partake in it. You could even knock out all three in one day if you found the right thread to banter in. I can't stress enough how easy it is.
Signups end Saturday, April 1st, at 11:59 PM PDT. This is the only time PDT is used as the governing time zone.