Straight Buzzwole (F4H_Jay) vs Malamar Necrozma GX (Anselm Sim)
Game 1
I took the first 2 prizes, he missed Beast Ring, I won
Game 2
He took the first 2 prizes with Absorption, 2 Beast Ring to 2 Buzzwole GX on the bench while sitting at 2 prizes to my 4 - checkmate
Game 3
I paralleled my Lele away and Moon's Eclipsed his active going down to 3 prizes to his 2.
My opponent used strong energy to snipe a Malamar for 70 and 30 to the other Malamar with a fully powered Buzzwole GX on the bench WITHOUT strong energy
He had 2 Strong Energy in his discard pile and he would need to hit BOTH Strong and Guzma for the double Malamar kill, as my fresh Dawn Wings Necrozma GX was protected with FFB
I then used Giratina to attack hoping I will discard hopefully one piece of the puzzle from his hand... I discarded an irrelevant N
He then... top decks... strong energy... with the Guzma in hand...

Good game sir!