Premium competitors:
- Trixss
- MrCooper91
- Lord_Darkrai (kidd_01)
- Arneboy11
- austincredible76 (austincrediblle)
- Nobodyshero2727
- Kyoushiro44
- PwnzorProd
- Seng vang
- Frosstoise
- normanc (TheCrusader4)
- Dave Sontag
- Serperior (EspeonRox)
- Sarakazi
- xaej806
- BKRapper
- Standard208
- jbcheshire
- Ceraphrim (nephalite)
- PokieMorff
- Bucky_Bruce
- MetalPharoah
- totodile_it_down
- danimal01
- zoopidzut
- Anthony Simone (Thewordsmith)
- killrnite
- CESit (Xabalanque)
- Richard Griggs (richardgriggs)
Overflow priority competitors:
- Vivek (Vivek8086)
- Yog (Yoggington)
- Calcab (Gabe014)
- anthony7245
- PikaMasterJesi (Master_Chuchu)
- grantm1999 (grantm2001)
- Jake_Silberman
- josie0001
- TheAnticipationEevee (AbsolutelyEevee)
- EmptyApartment
- Ryn7321 (pokemineb)
- DaGod503 (marcus503)
- CarlosE
- John Cassidy (Ruxepokem)
- olivasds
- TentsOnFire
- HollowClyde
- theprp30
- MadDanX (MadDanX01)
- Lagiasapphire (121DL3Y)
- Asrialys
- tammika
- crystal_pidgeot (VaporeonXero)
- Jenna573
- Tpayne1988
- Justis (_Justis)
- WastedSkyPirate
- jessalakasam (TrainerDylan19)
- Elbow
- DarkraiQ8 (drzeez93)
- lmc00 (CampeónLance)
- AugustusMartin (AugustusMartis)
- SzymonPrzybyl
- Snibachi
- Adrian9 (itanchingco)
- OmniPoke (Teamomnipoke)
- Matilol
- swaginator5000
- Fiercez (Shanmma)
- CrownXY (crownnyXY)
- dfwPokemon (DFWSparkMonkey)
- TheGuardian118
- Tentacruel13 (ASAP_Regirocky)
- fullmetal187 (Byakuya87)
- that_one_venasaur (thatonevenusaur)
- Mightyena (Bohrokman)
- arturomod
- GMax935
- Roel Carlet (carlet619)
- MrPokemonSirTCG (YuriPkmnTrainer)
- Danny W. (NinjaDan1212)
- charizard87 (drumkeeper87)
- javinius (javin1us)
- ItaloReis (italosreis)
- MarkDizonCA (Cardadvantagecan)
- JelcoLeys (JanEbbers)
- ShinyZard (KantoTrainer989)
- cellabi (Pandaflare12)
- AndrewSalami
- Phire Phox (phirephox)
- Mariano11887
- JRobd (JayStreams)
- MountainDrew
- Betonbeton
- Josh Martinez (Josh_mart)
- antonjg (Dismqy)
- Wil Yates (itzyatzee)
Overflow list:
- Ultimate_Ace (Team_Flabebe)
- akabryanhall (akabryanhall1)
- sw_bionic
- bullcitycards (Wilrod13)
Total signups: 100!!! \o/
That's so cool, guys. I don't think we've ever had 100+ people sign up in one day.
Continue to sign up. If you signed up to play in February's tournament but didn't get to because there wasn't enough room, you'll be given priority registration. If you sign up for this month's tournament but don't make it in (and not because of failing to do something on your part), you will get priority registration for April's tournament.
Just make sure to mention it in your signup post!
Premium members can still play in this month's tournament! If you are considering getting a premium membership, now is the time to do so. You will be eligible for premium prizes if you play throughout the tournament as a subscriber, as long as your subscription starts before the start of round one! Just let me know you've purchased a subscription, and once it's been verified (if you don't have your badge already), you'll start reaping those sweet, sweet rewards.
If you're already a subscriber, feel free to sign up! Subscribers are always guaranteed a spot in the tournament, no questions asked.
If you're not on the list and you think you should be, you should take a few moments to step back and ask yourself why.