PokeBeach's May 2018 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by TCGplayer.com!

I just won 2-1 against Braiden1235. It was really close and fun games.
GL for the rest !
I beat @Dfwallace2 2-1. My ptcgo cut out/dced me unfortunately game 1 - was a close match that game, was up 2 prizes to 3 with imo in a good board position but glad I was able to come back after the dce. Best of luck in the rest of the matches!

I haven't played this deck at any other event because I just hate the way it plays. The deck is solid and all but it just has such a low skill cap (imo) but is so powerful as well. Never really been my kind of deck, but at the very least its a bit of practice. Wish there were modern day vespiquens available or something trollier/more fun and solid to play in standard atm
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