@Vaskemaskinen takes a 2-1 victory over @SquirtleRules
i guess i was the only one of the 5-1 that could not id.
@Panzerolas wins 2-0 versus @Superstarr with 2 games close to the wire.
That's not entirely true; If i was a 5-0-1 vs a 5-1-0 ... I would play my matchup.. and if its good- i'd throw my match. if its bad- i'd try to win & knock that person out in R7 rather than Top8.
well i guess i need to remove my statement as Jswoop22 and mordacazir didn't id.exactly, the two 5-0-1 players just decided to id their 5-1 oppoenents, they didn't "need" to. But Since i was 5-1 and my opponent was 4-1-1 we had to play it out.