PokeBeach's Super Smash Bros Thread

Professor Palutena

The Queen
(The old Smash Bros thread was locked, which is why I made a new one).

Hey everyone. You probably are aware that PokeBeach Groups is closing down this weekend, and some of you were wondering what will happen with "The Smashers". Well, after talking with one of the supermods, we decided that this discussion thread was the best course of action.

This thread is for discussion for all Super Smash Bros games, as well as the future. I'd like to get a few more tournaments starting, and with the ever growing PokeBeach crowd, we'll have lots of fun. So if you like Super Smash Bros, feel free to start posting and immerse yourself in the discussion.

For simplicities sake, I've got a list of friend codes for members of the Smashers. If you'd like to have your friend code in the list, profile comment me, PM it to me, or post it with the rest of your post.

Friend Code List (Online Name)
Bippa: 2408-6659-0158 (TWP)
dragonexpert: 0001 9917 5675 (Dragon)
Chillarmy: 4727-9540-0814 (SLIDE)
xdogking: 4726-2122-6877 (XDK)
Tyraniking: 1462-3181-1360 (T)
Dark Sonic J: 4899-4891-4872 (DSJ)
Hypnotic Luxray: 4512-3113-5361 (Hypno)
PDC: 4598 - 0195 - 2051 (Alex)
Yoshidude10: 2879-7396-6810
safariblade: 2492 6671 6140 (SB)
Rock Wrecker: 0217-1477-5005
PMJ: 4596 9284 2804 (Matt)
Superpokemon67: 2019-9372-9228
Dark Void: 4469-0752-2516 (DVOID)
ShadowLugia: 4382-7899-1453 (Daft)
Flygon Jedi Master: 2664-2202-9560
Afro-G: 1976-9880-4177 (Kule)
EspeonROX: 0603-7532-1158

The Smashers! is also in the process of completing a tournament. That tournament will also continue. For simplicity's sake, all tournament brackets will be posted in this OP.

Tournament Bracket
Teamvs Bippa201 and Safaribladevs superpokemon67 and Yoshidude10vs Tyraniking and dragonexpertvs Chillarmy and xdogkingvs HypnoticLuxray and Dark Voidvs slickmario and palkia dialga clashvs ShadowLugia and P0KEVORTEXRecord
Bippa201 and safariblade
superpokemon67 and Yoshidude10
Tyraniking and dragonexpert
Chillarmy and xdogking
HypnoticLuxray and Dark Void
slickmario and palkia dialga clash
ShadowLugia and P0KEVORTEX
[td]X[/td][td]0[/td][td]Win[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][/td][td]Win[/td][td]2-0 [/td] [td]0[/td][td]X[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0-0 [/td] [td]Loss[/td][td]0[/td][td]X[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0-1 [/td] [td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]X[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0-0 [/td] [td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]X[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0-0 [/td] [td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]X[/td][td]0[/td][td]0-0 [/td] [td]Loss[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]X[/td][td]0-0 [/td]

Round 1 Pairings
[member]Bippa201[/member] and [member]safariblade[/member] vs [member]ShadowLugia[/member] and [member]P0KEVORTEX[/member]
[member]superpokemon67[/member] and [member]Yoshidude10[/member] vs [member]slickmario[/member] and [member]palkia dialga clash[/member]
[member]Tyraniking[/member] and [member]dragonexpert[/member] vs [member]HypnoticLuxray[/member] and [member]Dark Void [/member]
[member]Chillarmy[/member] and [member]xdogking[/member] don't have any assigned matches.

I hope none of you have problems adjusting to this small change, and continue to have fun discussing.
When I stop being lazy I'll look on the smashboards for my friend code. I'm 99% sure I have it written down there.
This club won't be hard to adjust to a regular thread.

Can Chill and I do a match, we just don't have to do any?
Can we keep leaderboards and stuff? I'll join next tourney, but I am very out of practice.
Like the team, don't need a membership to post.

I like where this is going :3. I'll try to get a hold of my opponents. Everyone replied but PDC, and our Sunday match sorta fell apart.
Well, I can't get the leaderboard because the old thread was locked. I didn't think it was worth keeping with a blank slate.

But, we can certainly make a new one.
I've started to play brawl again, so I guess I'll start being involved in this.

What is a good forum for brawl?

EDIT: Might as well add my FC while I'm at it.

Pokemon99: 4382-3815-5830
Oic, it seems I got kicked because of inactivity. I still come on once in a while, and I try to be more active. Hope you readd my fc to the fc bank again...