Finished Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game~KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG items! Let's get 5k posts

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RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (It's back!)

You get one hundred needles of death.

*Insserts coins with chicken bones*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (It's back!)

a cloud of white dust pops put for you

* a quarter*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (It's back!)

You then get 5 million quarters

*Inserts 10000000 coins*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (It's back!)

You get 10,000,000 Magikarps!

*inserts starmie*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (It's back!)

You get A Munchlax that eats all of your food in your house.

*Inserts very big Coin*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (It's back!)

You get A message that says "This message will self destruct in 5 seoncds."

*inserts coin*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (It's back!)

You get a ticket to see people fly kites in your local park !

Inserts coin
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (It's back!)

You get a Dawn Action Figure with different types of Clothes!

*Inserts Starmie Coin*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (It's back!)

You get A Combusken that kicks you.

*inserts coin*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (It's back!)

You get a Million Dollar House!

*Inserts a very very shiny and smelly coin*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (It's back!)

You then get 999999999999999999 very shiny shiny smelly coins.

*Inserts coin*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (It's back!)

You get a Munchlax action figure with changeable food!

*inserts coin*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (It's back!)

you get A Combusken action figure

*inserts coin*
RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (It's back!)

You get a Pichu Action Figure with changeable vehicles!

*inserts 1 coin*
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