BW/BW2 Pokedex

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Aspiring Trainer
* 494/000 - Victini - Basic - Psychic/Fire

* 495/001 - Tsutarja - Basic - Grass
* 496/002 - Janobii - Stage 1 - Grass
* 497/003 - ?? - Stage 2 - Grass

* 498/004 - Pokabu - Basic - Fire
* 499/005 - Chaobuu - Stage 1 - Fire/Fighting
* 500/006 - ?? - Stage 2 - Fire/Fighting

* 501/007 - Mijumaru - Basic - Water
* 502/008 - Futachimaru - Stage 1 - Water
* 503/009 - ?? - Stage 2 - Water

* 504/010 - Minezumi - Basic - Normal
* 505/011 - Miruhoggu - Stage 1 - Normal

* 506/012 - Yorterri - Basic - Normal
* 507/013 - ?? - Stage 1 - Normal: Longer dog-like Pokemon, has same face but with mustache. Face and legs are golden, body is dark gray.
* 508/014 - ?? - Stage 2 - Normal: A dog-like Pokemon that resembles an adult Shih Tzu but with a longer body. Long mustache and black-to-gray body.

* 509/015 - Choroneko - Basic - Dark
* 510/016 - ?? - Stage 1 - Dark: A Pokemon that resembles a panther. Most of its body is purple, but legs, head and body marks are light brown. Very elegant and slender.

* 511/017 - Yanappu - Basic - Grass
* 512/018 - ?? - Stage 1 - Grass: Same design as Yanappu but larger, with an Elvis forelock, more hair, and arrogant pose.
* 513/019 - Baoppu - Basic - Fire
* 514/020 - ?? - Stage 1 - Fire: It is fatter than Grass evolution and seems confused. Tail and hair have flames. Red/orange color.
* 515/021 - Hiyappu - Basic - Water
* 516/022 - ?? - Stage 1 - Water: The most sociable of all these monkeys, it has a somewhat rasta hair style. Light blue color.

* 517/023 - Munna - Basic - Psychic
* 518/024 - Musharna - Stage 1 - Psychic

* 519/025 - Mamepato - Basic - Normal/Flying
* 520/026 - Hatoopoo - Stage 1 - Normal/Flying
* 521/027 - ?? - Stage 2 - Normal/Flying: Typical bird Pokemon with an arrogant pose, resembles a pigeon. Same colors, but brown chest. It has a forme where it is in the same pose but with a pink mask. Perhaps it is a Spring Forme.

* 522/028 - Shimama - Basic - Electric
* 523/029 - ?? - Stage 1 - Electric: Still a zebra, but bigger, fiercer, and with more white stripes and hair.

* 524/030 - Dangoro - Basic - Rock
* 525/031 - ?? - Stage 1 - Rock
* 526/032 - Gigaiasu - Stage 2 - Rock

* 527/033 - Koromori - Basic - Psychic/Flying
* 528/034 - ?? - Stage 1 - Psychic/Flying: A bat Pokemon with blue body and white fur. It maintains the heart-shaped eye/nose but has a forked tail.

* 529/035 - Moguryuu - Basic - Ground
* 530/036 - Doryuuzu - Stage 1 - Ground/Steel

* 531/037 - Tabunne - Basic - Normal

* 532/038 - ?? - Basic - Fighting: A guy with a wooden plank.
* 533/039 - ?? - Stage 1 - Fighting: A guy with an iron girder. It is stronger that its pre-evo and has a clown nose.
* 534/040 - ?? - Stage 2 - Fighting: Has a concrete block on each hand. It got much larger from evolution. The clown nose is not funny anymore.

* 535/041 - ?? - Basic - Water: A small tadpole. No arms, no legs, only a blue tail. Also two blue protuberances on each side of its head.
* 536/042 - ?? - Stage 1 - Water/Ground: A bigger tadpole. Has developed legs, still no arms. Blue color, white tail. Three protuberances from head, four from body.
* 537/043 - ?? - Stage 2 - Water/Ground: A big frog full of protuberances in head, arms and legs. No more tail. Its very big and has a mafia pose.

* 538/044 - ?? - Basic - Fighting: A Judo Pokemon with a kimono. Rocky red skin, big eyebrows and nose.
* 539/045 - ?? - Stage 1 - Fighting: Taller and thinner than pre-evo, with rocky blue skin and kimono. Big nose and one eyebrow (yes, only one).

* 540/046 - Kurumiru - Basic - Bug/Grass
* 541/047 - ?? - Stage 1 - Bug/Grass: The leaf grows and covers the Pokemon as a cocoon. Only eyes and mouth can be seen.
* 542/048 - ?? - Stage 2 - Bug/Grass: A leaf insect Pokemon, a Phylliidae. Stands on two legs with a leaf skirt and arms. Head is like Kurumiru's.

* 543/049 - ?? - Basic - Bug/Poison - A centipede.
* 544/050 - ?? - Stage 1 - Bug/Poison: A round cocoon with an eye on each side. All covered in spikes, four large and eight shorter. Ugliest one in the PokeDex.
* 545/051 - ?? - Stage 2 - Bug/Poison: A Scolopendra colored like its pre-evo.

* 546/052 - Monmen - Basic - Grass: Resembles a cloud.
* 547/053 - ?? - Stage 1 - Grass: Resembles a cloud / sheep.

* 548/054 - Churine - Basic - Grass: The plant Pokemon seen in the Pokemon Daycare screenshot.
* 549/055 - ?? - Stage 1 - Grass: A Grass Lady Pokemon. She wears a flower hat with a crown. Big leaf on the back. Her dress is a leaf bulb, with two dark green leaves as arms.

* 550/056 - Basurao - Basic - Water: Has two Formes. One is green with red stripes and eyes while the other one has blue stripe and blue eyes. Second seems more aggressive.

* 551/057 - Meguroko - Basic - Ground/Dark
* 552/058 - ?? - Stage 1 - Ground/Dark - Stands on two legs with a spiked back.
* 553/059 - ?? - Stage 2 - Ground/Dark - Larger, meaner, and red.

* 554/060 - Darumakka - Basic - Fire
* 555/061 - Hihidaruma - Stage 1 - Fire: Has an alternate forme that is Fire/Psychic and blue.

* 556/062 - ?? - Basic - Grass: A dancing cactus Pokemon. Has yellow eyes, spikes, and pink flowers.

* 557/063 - ?? - Basic - Bug/Rock: A hermit crab Pokemon. It is a crab with a rock covering its back.
* 558/064 - ?? - Stage 1 - Bug/Rock: Larger and holding a cube-shaped rock.

* 559/065 - ?? - Basic - Dark/Fighting
* 560/066 - ?? - Stage 1 - Dark/Fighting: Similar design to previous evolution, but orange head with red crest. Has a hood at the back with pre-evo's head. Scary.

* 561/067 - ?? - Basic - Psychic / Flying: A Flying Mask Pokémon, seems aegyptian. Only one eye, two golden wings without feathers. Very strange.

* 562/068 - ?? - Basic - Ghost: Desukan Pre-Evo. Floating black body with two big red eyes and big arms. Holds a human mask at the bottom.
* 563/069 - Desukan - Stage 1 - Ghost

* 564/070 - ?? - Basic - Water / Rock: Archelon Fossil Pokémon. Blue body and grey shell. Amazing design.
* 565/071 - ?? - Stage 1 - Water / Rock: Archelon Fossil Pokémon. Bigger body, stands on two legs and has an armor/shell of rock. Bulky Water candidate?

* 566/072 - ?? - Basic - Rock / Flying: Archaeopteryx Fossil Pokémon. Bird with yellow, red and blue feathers.
* 567/073 - ?? - Stage 1 - Rock / Flying: Archaeopteryx Fossil Pokémon. The bird has become bigger and fiercer. Its head is now green/red coloured.

* 568/074 - ?? - Basic - Poison: Garbage Bag Pokémon. A green garbage bag with eyes. Its arms are formed of grey dirt coming out from the bag.
* 569/075 - ?? - Stage 1 - Poison: Garbage Bag Pokémon. The garbage has grown a lot and thus half the body is grey dirt. Very amorphous.

* 570/076 - Zorua - Basic - Dark
* 571/077 - Zoroark - Stage 1 - Dark

* 572/078 - Chillarmy - Basic - Normal
* 573/079 - ?? - Stage 1 - Normal: Greatly resembles its pre-evolution.

* 574/080 - ?? - Basic - Psychic: Emo Baby Pokémon. Gochiruzeru Pre Pre Evo. A baby with big purple head and great blue eyes. Similar design.
* 575/081 - ?? - Stage 1 - Psychic: Emo Girl Pokémon. Gochiruzeru Pre Evo. A little girl with two ponytails, but very similar to Gochiruzeru.
* 576/082 - Gochiruzeru - Stage 2 - Psychic

* 577/083 - ?? - Basic - Psychic: Cell Pokémon. Rankurusu Pre Pre Evo. Basically a white nucleus with eyes and nose, surrounded by green jelly.
* 578/084 - ?? - Stage 1 - Psychic: Cell Pokémon. Rankurusu Pre Evo. Now the cell has developed tiny arms, and more green jelly.
* 579/085 - Rankurusu - Stage 2 - Psychic

* 580/086 - ?? - Basic - Water/Flying: Blue Swan Pokémon. Swana Pre Evo. Basically a breed of swan, blue in color.
* 581/087 - Swana - Stage 1 - Water/Flying

* 582/088 - ?? - Basic - Ice: Ice Cream Ball Pokémon. A white/blue ice cream ball with tiny body, almost like a baby.
* 583/089 - ?? - Stage 1 - Ice: Ice Cream Pokémon.
* 584/090 - ?? - Stage 2 - Ice: Double Ice Cream Pokémon (one cone, two balls).

* 585/091- Shikijika - Basic - Normal/Grass
* 586/092 - Mebukijika - Stage 1 - Normal/Grass

* 587/093 - Emonga - Basic - Electric/Flying

* 588/094 - ?? - Basic - Bug: New Bug Pokémon.
* 589/095 - ?? - Stage 1 - Bug/Steel: Knight Bug Pokémon. A knight with an armor, spears and helmet. Main body is based on previous bug.

* 590/096 - Tamagetake - Basic - Grass/Poison
* 591/097 - ?? - Stage 1 - Grass/Poison: Tamagetake Evo. A Mushroom Pokémon with a pink PokéBall design, and two smaller Poké Ball as hands.

* 592/098 - ?? - Basic - Water/Ghost: Jellyfish Pokémon. Round blue head with 5 tentacles. Has another Forme, pink color and different tentacles.
* 593/099 - ?? - Stage 1 - Water/Ghost: Jellyfish Pokémon.

* 594/100 - Mamanboo - Basic - Water

* 595/101 - ?? - Basic - Bug/Electric: Denchura Pre Evo.
* 596/102 - Denchura - Stage 1 - Bug/Electric

* 597/103 - ?? - Basic - Grass/Steel: Iron Ball Pokémon
* 598/104 - ?? - Stage 1 - Grass/Steel: Steel Platform Pokémon. A spiky steel platform with three grass arms going up and ending in steel maces.

* 599/105 - Gear - Basic - Steel
* 600/106 - ?? - Stage 1 - Steel: Gear + Another big gear behind.
* 601/107 - ?? - Stage 2 - Steel: Gear + Big gear behind + Small gear at bottom + Platform. No Brainer Pokemon of V Gen.

* 602/108 - ?? - Basic - Electric: Small Fish, white color.
* 603/109 - ?? - Stage 1 - Electric: Small Lamprey Pokémon.
* 604/110 - ?? - Stage 2 - Electric: Big Lamprey Pokémon. Green/Blue color and round mouth.

* 605/111 - ?? - Basic - Psychic: Green Alien Pokémon. Big oval head, this mark on head (
) and small body. Weird.
* 606/112 - ?? - Stage 1 - Psychic: Brown Alien Pokémon. Big trapezoid head (ufo-like), same mark on head and small body. Bigger than Pre Evo.

* 607/113 - ?? - Basic - Ghost/Fire
* 608/114 - ?? - Stage 1 - Ghost/Fire
* 609/115 - ?? - Stage 2 - Ghost/Fire: Candelabra Pokémon. A candelabra with a main bulb and four arms ending in purple flames.

* 610/116 - Kibago - Basic - Dragon
* 611/117 - ?? - Stage 1 - Dragon: Kibago Evo. Like Kibago but with longer horns and tail, and bigger. Green on top, grey on bottom.
* 612/118 - Ononokusu - Stage 2 - Dragon

* 613/119 - ?? - Basic - Ice: A baby polar bear with a giant blue snot (uurrgh)
* 614/120 - ?? - Stage 1 - Ice

* 615/121 - ?? - Basic - Ice: Hexagonal Mirror Pokémon. Front part of mirror features an angry face full of hate.

* 616/122 - ?? - Basic - Bug: A clam with red body and a helmet shell
* 617/123 - ?? - Stage 1 - Bug: Ninja clam with no shell

* 618/124 - ?? - Basic - Electric/Ground

* 619/125 - ?? - Basic - Fighting: Monk Warrior Pokémon. Martial arts pose, brown body, pink arms and legs.
* 620/126 - ?? - Stage 1 - Fighting: Similar to 619, white color and mustache.

* 621/127 - ?? - Basic - Dragon: Red Head Dragon. A blue dragon with red head and scales. Very aggressive and cool design
* 622/128 - ?? - Basic - Ground/Ghost: Robot Pokémon made of earth with white energy in eyes and belly.
* 623/129 - ?? - Stage 1 - Ground/Ghost: Robot Pokémon, much bigger.

* 624/130 - ?? - Basic - Steel/Dark: Warrior Pokémon
* 625/131 - ?? - Stage 1 - Steel/Dark: Warrior Pokémon. Both based on Kamen Raider

* 626/132 - Buffalon - Basic - Normal

* 627/133 - ?? - Basic - Normal/Flying: Wargle Pre Evo. An eaglet covered by white down and just one feather.
* 628/134 - Wargle - Stage 1 - Normal/Flying

* 629/135 - ?? - Basic - Dark/Flying: Vulture Breed Pokémon. It stays on its egg and has small wings.
* 630/136 - ?? - Stage 1 - Dark/Flying: Vulture Pokémon. Black feathers, pink head.

* 631/137 - ?? - Basic - Fire: Anteater

* 632/138 - ?? - Basic - Bug/Steel: Ant

* 633/139 - ?? - Basic - Pseudo Legendary - Dark/Dragon
* 634/140 - ?? - Stage 1 - Pseudo Legendary - Dark/Dragon
* 635/141 - ?? - Stage 2 - Pseudo Legendary - Dark/Dragon: Is a three headed hydra, with black and blue tones. Starts with one head in its Basic form, evolves and gets two heads, and then this final form have three.

* 636/142 - ?? - Basic - Bug/Fire
* 637/143 - ?? - Stage 1 - Bug/Fire

* 638/144 - ?? - Basic - Legendary Trio 1 - Steel/Fighting: A quadruped Pokemon, the sort of Entei/Suicune/Raikou of this generation. Along with the other members of its trio, it is roaming Isshu and can be encountered at any time.

* 639/145 - ?? - Basic - Legendary Trio 1 - Rock/Fighting: A quadruped Pokemon, the sort of Entei/Suicune/Raikou of this generation. Along with the other members of its trio, it is roaming Isshu and can be encountered at any time

* 640/146 - ?? - Basic - Legendary Trio 1 - Grass/Fighting: A quadruped Pokemon, the sort of Entei/Suicune/Raikou of this generation. Along with the other members of its trio, it is roaming Isshu and can be encountered at any time

* 641/147 - ?? - Basic - Legendary Trio 2 - Flying: The first pure Flying type! Part of the Raijin trio. Perhaps the Uxie/Mesprit/Azelf of this generation. The Pokemon has a humanoid shape, is crossing its arms like a genie, and is sitting on a cloud. The other members of its trio have different colors and hair.

* 642/148 - ?? - Basic - Legendary Trio 2 - Electric/Flying: Part of the Raijin trio. Perhaps the Uxie/Mesprit/Azelf of this generation.

* 643/149 - Reshiram - Basic - Version Legendary - Dragon/Fire

* 644/150 - Zekrom - Basic - Version Legendary - Dragon/Electric

* 645/151 - ?? - Basic - Legendary Trio 2 - Ground/Flying: Part of the Raijin trio. Perhaps the Uxie/Mesprit/Azelf of this generation.

* 646/152 - ?? - Basic - Version Legendary? - Dragon/Ice: Perhaps the remake version's mascot since it is part-Dragon like Reshiram and Zekrom. This third dragon seems to be based on a cold source of energy as opposed to warm ones like fire and electricity. It is gray-colored (Pokemon Gray?). However, it has ice parts. The head, wings, and tail, are blue.

* 647/153 - ?? - Basic - Event Legendary - Water/Fighting

* 648/154 - ?? - Basic - Event Legendary - Normal/Psychic - Has a feminine shape with a mane. It has an alternate form that also resembles a "girl" but the hat hides the mane and because of that "she" looks like a male. The forme is Normal/Fighting.

* 649/155 - ?? - Basic - Event Legendary - Bug/Steel. Strong, looks like it came from space. It's a robot with a big laser cannon on top of its head. His body resembles a bug species. [WPM Note: The Borg!!]

Updating some of the info as it appears. Added the official Sugi art and the Hiro's/Pokexperto's pictures.
I will allow this, because as new data comes out I don't know if WPM will print the whole list again.
Thank you. Can I add pictures? Or will that make the whole thing impossible to load?
Wolf616 said:
Thank you. Can I add pictures? Or will that make the whole thing impossible to load?
Try with small pictures. If it becomes an issue you will be asked to remove them.
Itd take to much time to load. Also i dont think the yorkier(which is an awesome name) is a sh tzu at all. It looks and the name sound like a yorkshire terrier. Woo hoo im getting a dog on the same day this game comes out. Ill name it after this dog when i get the game. Really inetersted in the icecream, and hydra pokemon. Sound amazing to me. Hopefully tthe ice/drg isnt a frozen chicken. Ill change my name if it is. Im sensitive to designs.
506 is named Yorterri.
509 is named Choroneko
524 is named Dangoro
546 is named Monmen.
548 is named Churine.
@Rotom479, good idea! I'll update with picture-links tomorrow. It's 1 AM where I live. So I'll try to get some sleep. Even though my pet frogs are make a racket. >_> I should really buy them a clock.

@ramsey1993, Yeah, no one else was doing it. So I updated it for myself in a little word document. But then I thought, what the hell, might as well post it if other people want to keep track as well. ;)

@frostwind, I know, I'm just copying the descriptions from Pokexperto. I love the new dog Pokemon. :D What kind of doggy are you getting?

@Jakovu, Thanks! :)
Either a toy poodle or a yorkshie terrier. Really excited and i hope we see all the pokemon soon. The frog sounds like a weird toad and i cant wait to see the polar bear. Finally we get one. Hopefully a ice/fgt soon. The power ranger (drk/stl) and stl/grs dude are going to be cool or really bad.
Here's my share, since I was working on this too.

Kibago, Ononokusku and Wargle are Pokemon that we know of that don't have a spot in the PokeDex.
I was looking for an updated one.
I hope the bug/fire one is a firefly Toungue
lol. "



We already have fireflies. Illumise/Volbeat
They are fails to me. Really cool but no fire or electric attacks.
I want a baby firefly that has a glowing bottom for a body. Then it becomes a bombadier beetle. Better get explosion.
That majoras mask pokemon sounds really tribal and cool. Gonna call it majora no doubt. Really want to see that panther evo. Also the octopus from a while back.
Itd be great to have a true firefly. Will it get moves like flamethrower, or moves like thunder bolt since its also a lightning bug?
The final pokemon going to be weird. A laser cannon on a bug.....could go either way. Definiteally going to get flash cannon.
Arent the first trio the three musketeers and the event a pony?

Itd be great to have a true firefly. Will it get moves like flamethrower, or moves like thunder bolt since its also a lightning bug?
The final pokemon going to be weird. A laser cannon on a bug.....could go either way. Definiteally going to get flash cannon.
Arent the first trio the three musketeers and the event a pony?
I refuse to call Volbeat and Illumise fireflies. A true firefly would be perfect. Bug/electric or Bug/fire would be awesome.

Ontopic: Thanks for updating the list. This is so exciting!
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