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pokeman cards :D USA only

luxchomp or lostgar

  • luxchomp (my pick)

    Votes: 19 76.0%
  • lostgar

    Votes: 6 24.0%

  • Total voters
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RE: pokeman cards :D

Can you check my list for my wants and tell me what you would like in return?
RE: pokeman cards :D

@glaceon no i dont have glaceon x and i didnt? are u sure?

@ afro-g i have 2 magnezones and 4 FA reshiram 1 magnezone for 1 mew?

@pokemonrulez nope none

@soariyant t-tar and lanturn for gengar maybe ?
RE: pokeman cards :D

grantdude123 said:
@ afro-g i have 2 magnezones and 4 FA reshiram 1 magnezone for 1 mew?

Sounds doable. Anything else I could trade you? I'd love to make the trade a little bigger if possible, let me know. =] Also, do you have any more of my wants?
RE: pokeman cards :D

@ drifloon kills i didnt see anything sorry

@ forneyuntd i wold trade alot of FA reshiram/machamp/donphan for a yanmega but if u wont trade ill trade a FA reshiram for crobat or gengar

@afro-g donphan magnezone reshiram full and promo ninetales and some CoL energy but i need some main wants for them
RE: pokeman cards :D

grantdude123 said:
@afro-g donphan magnezone reshiram full and promo ninetales and some CoL energy but i need some main wants for them
I would love to trade for some CoL Energy and Donphan Prime if possible. I have Crobat Prime. Is there anything else you need from my haves? Let me know! =]
RE: pokeman cards :D

@afro-g so we could work it a magnezone and donphane for mew and crobat? unless u wanna trade another mew for the energys thats all

@darkvoid i would LOVE the yanmega anythign else u want with the donphans ? ;DD
RE: pokeman cards :D

Sorry bro, I'm keeping Yanmega for things I really need, and Donphan is just a small want. Anything else you'd like?
RE: pokeman cards :D

grantdude123 said:
@afro-g so we could work it a magnezone and donphane for mew and crobat? unless u wanna trade another mew for the energys thats all
So you're offering....
1x Mew Prime
1x Crobat Prime

1x Magnezone Prime
1x Donphan Prime

Is that correct? If so is there anything else you want that I could add in? =]
RE: pokeman cards :D

grantdude123 said:
@ pokemonrules101 i saw nothing sorry

@ darkvoid well What r ur maine wants then?

Im mostly looking for the RH's listed on my thread
RE: pokeman cards :D

@ afro-g zekrom FA and il throw in some CoL energys

@ darkvoid i have 2 ambiprom RH might have the tomb RH ill check 1 promo tepig
the smeargle CoL in RH and UD smeargle RH and non 4 emaboar ability 1 rh a Rh lost world a shaymin UL RH and a RDL top so yeah i have alot of them
RE: pokeman cards :D

grantdude123 said:
@ afro-g zekrom FA and il throw in some CoL energys
Ehhhh, I'm trying to hold onto that for now. Anything else? Big or small?
RE: pokeman cards :D


But is there anything besides Yanmega that you liked? I'm really hoping not to trade it for Donphan's, and save it for if I need stuff from EP when it comes out
RE: pokeman cards :D

@afro-g well i have alot of CoL energys i could throw in ?

@ darkvoid not really i have alot of ur wants so i think itd be fair
RE: pokeman cards :D

Ok, well, I think I'll just keep Yanmega for now.

Thanks for looking at my list though!
RE: pokeman cards :D

grantdude123 said:
@afro-g well i have alot of CoL energys i could throw in ?
I'll consider it. I still want to know if you want any other stuff. How many CoL Energy do you have and what types? Let me know.
RE: pokeman cards :D

@ darkvoid okay thanks lmk wat u need from ep when its out though maybe ill have it

@afro-g meh if u dont do zekrom the mew and the energys i have ill send in a message below becus i have 2 go find them
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