PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 28 (Top16 UK Nats!)

RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 10 (TR PR!)

Next episode is up now!


Sorry for the delay. Had issues with my computer.

This week, it's Regigigas! :)
RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 11 (Regigigas!)

GIGAS!!! My BRs deck! My build wasn't too good, but it made fourth (And one of the packs contained an Umbreon Prime :)) Not sure I'll run it for cities, as I JUST built it and Donphan is a solid competitor in my area. Anyway, loved the episode, though it would've been nice to see some techs (Dialga G X, Chatot G, Skymin UL, Abomasnow SF, etc.)
RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 12 (SP vs SP!)

New Episode Up Now!


This week it's time for another TCG Feature Match but now with narration. I go through the plays made and explain some of the cards used.

Make sure you watch both parts!

@Tyraniking: Glad you liked the episode :)
RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 12 (SP vs SP!)

Very nice episode i enjoyed it very much, hope you do more of these.

I also liked the little info on the side of the cards for people who dont know, nice touch.

Keep it up, shows GREAT!
RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 12 (SP vs SP!)

Thank you very much :)

Was good making one of these actually, will look into doing some more. Maybe matchups that people request?
RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 12 (SP vs SP!)

Dialga/Chomp vs. Gyarados

dmaster out.
RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 12 (SP vs SP!)

Heelix vs LuxChomp
RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 12 (SP vs SP!)

Nice Episode! I'd try Vilegar vs. Chenlock maybe. I want to play a Sablock varient, but I'm part of team rogue so I have to get creative.
RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 12 (SP vs SP!)

Thanks for all the suggestions. Maybe I'll do it in the form of Redshark matches? As getting all the right cards to play those decks will be challenging and probably expensive. I'll still outline all the plays and whatnot.

What do you think?


P.S: If anyone has any thoughts on what to put in future episodes then please feel free to comment :)
RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 12 (SP vs SP!)

You could always just print out the proxies and use those.
RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 12 (SP vs SP!)

I agree with minimidget you should just print out proxies. As for the matchup maybe Gyarados Vs. Luxchomp or Dialgachomp. For a new video maybe you could do one about Machamp and say what you think about it and the new prime.
RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 12 (SP vs SP!)

Id also like to see your wormadam deck in play. And yes proxies are better then a program with no pictures and boring text in my opinion.
RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 12 (SP vs SP!)

Proxies it is :)
I agree that identifying with the pictures is easier than redshark text.

And I'll give Wormadam a spin in a video soon then along with the others mentioned.
The Machamp idea is good too, will consider making an episode about that aswell. Have been testing with the deck recently and seems great.
RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 13 (Arceus!)

New episode!


All about Arceus and how it works!

Let me know what you think,

RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 13 (Arceus!)

^In this video you say that Arceus could be a bigger threat when the format is HG/SS and up. But, if it is HG/SS-On, then won't Arceus be rotated? I am not trying to correct you (as I don't know the answer myself) but I would like to know if you can use arceus after the rotation. ( I completely understand if it was just a mistake, I am just curious about it is all.)

RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 13 (Arceus!)

Yeah, this was a big mistake on my part.
It would make more sense being Rising Rivals onwards.

Sorry about that :)
RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 13 (Arceus!)

Thats fine. For a second I thought Arceus might be a pokemon that never gets rotated :O (which might be cool :) )
Keep up the good work on these videos, I really like the insight you give. Its simple enough to get the beginners going, yet, its in-depth to keep the seasoned players going.
RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 13 (Arceus!)

Great job, I love the video. Very professional.
Is it decided what (and for that matter, when) the next rotation's going to be, or might it actually be HGSS-on or something? Cause that would sort of kill Arceus...
RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 13 (Arceus!)

^Sort of?

Anyhow, nice ep. I'm surprised you didn't reccomend Lucario. I don't like Lucario in this, but I'm still surprised.