BW/BW2 Pokemon Animations, Move Animations, & Shiny Forms


Aspiring Trainer
Good evening everyone.
First of all, if this is a repeat thread I apologize in advance. I didn't see anything about it so I'm assuming not.

So, we all know that a new feature that is being introduced in Pokemon Black and White is In-Game Pokemon Animations, right?

So far, we've seen a handful of them including two out of the three Legendary Beasts/Dogs.

My question for you is simply this; for the current 493 Pokemon, how would you imagine their animations would look like?
Ex-I'd love to see the braille on the Regis glow with included movement.

And to cover another subject, what do you think the Shiny Forms of the announced 20+ Pokemon look like?

I'm really hoping that Shimama will have either Gold or Blue strips. Maybe inverted colors?

And also adding to this, Move Animations.

In an earlier video, we got to see the animation for the HM Surf. (And I must say that it looked amazing.)

Question for you; What do you think the new Animations will looks like? New sound effects as well considering Fake Tears and Dark Pulse also got a slight "sound" change.
RE: Pokemon Animations & Shiny Forms

Hitmontop is spinning the whole time.

Shuckle goes into its shell when hit.

Magmortar better shoot fire into the air periodically or something...
RE: Pokemon Animations & Shiny Forms

Spoink bouncing continually (Obviously)

Ampharos' tail glowing occasionally

Digglet going into is hole if it gets hit.
RE: Pokemon Animations & Shiny Forms

Zapdos constantly flying, flapping its wings, along with ninjask (wings moving faster)

Lava comming down from magcargo, and slugma

tail(s) always moving from the pokemon with tails.
RE: Pokemon Animations & Shiny Forms

the new pokemon artwork is c:cool::cool:l and is nothink like before
RE: Pokemon Animations & Shiny Forms

Yeah, the constant animations make the Pokemon seems so much more alive. And it adds a lot of character.

I remember when they first introduced animated sprites, I believe it was in Pokemon Crystal. It added so much to the games. :D And this is an even bigger improvement.

I'm looking forward to seeing all my favorites in full animation. :) I'm sure they will look great.
RE: Pokemon Animations & Shiny Forms

So, do you think that they lie down when they sleep, or just keep moving?
RE: Pokemon Animations & Shiny Forms

If a Pokemon is educed with Sleep, I at least want them to close their eyes much like they did in Pokemon Colosseum/XD GoD.

For Pikachu, I really want to see little sparks come out of its cheeks. (That going for Raichu and Pichu as well.)

RE: Pokemon Animations & Shiny Forms

Shimama-man said:
So, do you think that they lie down when they sleep, or just keep moving?
i think they keep on moving, but w/ their eyes closed, like the gamecube, and wii games.
I seen two of the awesome animations...
Koromori's and Shimama's...
Shimama's white bolt on it's head glows yellow :D
Koromori is just awesome.
Yes, they definitely didn't do that "pixelated rotation" (like they did with the old battle start animations) on Koromori's wings.

I really want so see how they would animate pokemon like Dodrio or Exeggutor who have multiple faces, some with different emotions.
Id love to see pokemon releasing their power..... what I mean is like pikachu releasing electricity from his cheeks, or Camperupt for example releasing lava from his back. That kinda stuff from the current pokemon, imo would be cool >.> :)
Gyarados occasionally roaring or thrashing about could look really cool.

dmaster out.
I want Zoroark to have a Hot Pink Mane, A Purple Sphere Holder thing for her Ponytail, and a lighter color coat :D Ooh! and Pink nails, ears, marks, etc..
~SHINY~ (these are the primary colors only, sorry)
Tsutaaja: A darker green or a bluish green
Pokabu: A darker red or light orange
Mijumaru: An icy blue o sky blue
Chiramii: White, Darker gray, Black, or Brown
Munna: A baby blue, gold, or purple
Gear: A darker or lighter version of its original color
Mamepato: Dark Brown?
Hihidaruma: Orange, Blue, or green. Basically, primary colors, concerning how plain his color scheme is.
Shimama: GOLD!!!!!!! lol
Meguroko: Since his color scheme is sandy-ish, So maybe dark green, representing moss? or dark brown representing mud.
Moguryu: Brown, Gray, or something else.
Ononokusu: Dark green, Yellow, or red
Doryuzu: same as Moguryu concerning hes his (unconfirmed) evo.
Desukan: Brown, Gray, Gold, Silver, or something
Denchura: Im thinking Spinarak or Ariados' color scheme, idk why, he reminds me of them.
unnamed pokemon #1 (green blob): two words. Blue. Blob.
Unnamed pokemon #2 (blue robo-thingy): Black robo-thingy?
Unnamed pokemon #3 (Marley): Idk.... what does a shiny Marley look like? jk, GOLD!!!!!!
Koromori: Dark blue, Brown, or something?
Tsutaja and Mijumaru evo: Same as Mijumaru an Tsutaja
Zorua: Light brown
Zoroark: same?
Reshiram: A red essence, concerning it's type. Or black. that would look cool.
Zekrom: A blue essence, concerning it's type. Or White, that would look cool. deja vu.

~ANIMATIONS~ (This is what i want!!!!)
Mew, Celebi, and Jirachi: Fly side to side, Mew shakes it's tail, Celebi flaps its wings, and Jirachi opens its little eye thing?
Magikarp: Flails around, so pathetic. Then it evolves, and kills you.
Arceus: Breathing movement, Then stomps its foot down.
Darkrai: Looks menacing, breathing movement, then does a ghosty movement.
Spiritomb: Goes into its key, comes out blinks, then repeat.
Dewgong: Breath, flaps, then claps.
Mamoswine: It breathes, stomps, and tuskifies the air (ya know, when it like pushes its tusks to the air in anger? yeah that one.)
Plusle: Dances, sparks its cheeks
Minun: same, except dances in a mirror like fashion co-responding to plusle.
Kabutops: breathes, then cuts the air
lastly, Snorlax: Lying down, stomach up, head facing away from you, breathes, looks over its stomach to look at you, then lays its head back down.

tell me whatcha think!
StellaTheSneasel said:
I want Zoroark to have a Hot Pink Mane, A Purple Sphere Holder thing for her Ponytail, and a lighter color coat :D Ooh! and Pink nails, ears, marks, etc..

I don't think Zoroark wants to get all girly on us. Do you seriously belive that Zoroark is some OMG girl?

Desukan: Ocasionaly opening it's coffin slightly.
Hihidaruma: Slams it's fists on the ground and lifting it's feet up slightly at that moment.
Snorlax: Sleeping on it's back. Breathing
Arcanine - Padding the ground with one of its front paws fiercly, occassionally wiggling its bootay B-) or breathing an ember =)

Hitmonchan - In a typical boxing stance, bouncing on its heels and occassionally doing a jab

Starmie - a kind of "breathing" motion of moving up and down, but with its gem glittering different colours sometimes.

Hoothoot - tilting in rhythm like a metronome.
When Deoxys is in normal forme, I want isn't arms to go from actual arms to "DNA" strands/tentacles. That would be interesting.

Maybe it's core could glow every once in a while too?

Hoothoot could tilt from side to side and then quickly switch feet.

Krickettune could move its scythes across its stomach every once in a while.​
I want the Porygon line to have very digital looking animations. Something like Porygon2 in Super Smash Brothers Melee or any of the 3-dimensional Pokemon games. Loudred needs some sort of representation of sound waves. Unown should be spinning in the air. The Drifloon family should look like they are floating very slowly. Ludicolo has to be dancing ;) I want Gengar to turn darker occasionally. Sudowoodo should switch positions like in Stadium. Cubone should cry sometimes when it gets hit. Surskit should glide like it is on water. The Wailmer line should spout water sometimes. The Krabby line should walk back and forth sideways. I also think it would be cool if Shedinja stayed completely still unless it was hit or used a move or anything like that.