BW/BW2 Pokemon Animations, Move Animations, & Shiny Forms

omzebra said:
~SHINY~ (these are the primary colors only, sorry)
Tsutaaja: A darker green or a bluish green
Pokabu: A darker red or light orange
Mijumaru: An icy blue o sky blue
Chiramii: White, Darker gray, Black, or Brown
Munna: A baby blue, gold, or purple
Gear: A darker or lighter version of its original color
Mamepato: Dark Brown?
Hihidaruma: Orange, Blue, or green. Basically, primary colors, concerning how plain his color scheme is.
Shimama: GOLD!!!!!!! lol
Meguroko: Since his color scheme is sandy-ish, So maybe dark green, representing moss? or dark brown representing mud.
Moguryu: Brown, Gray, or something else.
Ononokusu: Dark green, Yellow, or red
Doryuzu: same as Moguryu concerning hes his (unconfirmed) evo.
Desukan: Brown, Gray, Gold, Silver, or something
Denchura: Im thinking Spinarak or Ariados' color scheme, idk why, he reminds me of them.
unnamed pokemon #1 (green blob): two words. Blue. Blob.
Unnamed pokemon #2 (blue robo-thingy): Black robo-thingy?
Unnamed pokemon #3 (Marley): Idk.... what does a shiny Marley look like? jk, GOLD!!!!!!
Koromori: Dark blue, Brown, or something?
Tsutaja and Mijumaru evo: Same as Mijumaru an Tsutaja
Zorua: Light brown
Zoroark: same?
Reshiram: A red essence, concerning it's type. Or black. that would look cool.
Zekrom: A blue essence, concerning it's type. Or White, that would look cool. deja vu.

~ANIMATIONS~ (This is what i want!!!!)
Mew, Celebi, and Jirachi: Fly side to side, Mew shakes it's tail, Celebi flaps its wings, and Jirachi opens its little eye thing?
Magikarp: Flails around, so pathetic. Then it evolves, and kills you.
Arceus: Breathing movement, Then stomps its foot down.
Darkrai: Looks menacing, breathing movement, then does a ghosty movement.
Spiritomb: Goes into its key, comes out blinks, then repeat.
Dewgong: Breath, flaps, then claps.
Mamoswine: It breathes, stomps, and tuskifies the air (ya know, when it like pushes its tusks to the air in anger? yeah that one.)
Plusle: Dances, sparks its cheeks
Minun: same, except dances in a mirror like fashion co-responding to plusle.
Kabutops: breathes, then cuts the air
lastly, Snorlax: Lying down, stomach up, head facing away from you, breathes, looks over its stomach to look at you, then lays its head back down.

tell me whatcha think!

I like the ononokusu idea. It would be beast if it were red sorta like red gyrados i guess but more awsm. P.S. this is my first post
Shiny Collector said:
I like the ononokusu idea. It would be beast if it were red sorta like red gyrados i guess but more awsm. P.S. this is my first post

FINALLY ONE AGREES!!!!!! my friends shun me for this >:[
Rayquaza - Swoops around a lot. When he attacks, he flies, then POW! (Quazado, my Rayquaza, says hi!)

Infernape - Makes his hands like a boxer.

Lugia and Ho-Oh - They flap their wings like in the 3D games.
Slaking - Lays down and is picking his nose the whole time, occasionally scratching his belly. :D

Farfetch'd - I want to see him move his leek around a bit, ninja duck style.

Charizard -Fierce stance, fire tail really intense, and his wings flapping occasionally.

Haunter - Floats in the air and sometimes will stick his tongue out at you. Also, with ghost pokemon in general, I'd love to see them "disappear" for a few seconds occasionally, then appear right back to their original stance. I think that'd be pretty nice.
As far as Pokémon movements go, this is what I'd like to see:

Arceus: For its front sprite, its "mane" and tail should flow slowly, and it should probably rear up occasionally. From its back sprite, maybe bowing its head as its tail and "mane" flow. (I don't think rearing up would work here, as it'd take up a lot of room.)

... That's pretty much all I can think of, unfortunately. xP

As far as attack animations go, I'd like to see Judgment changed. If they change it to how it looked in movie 12, I'd be so happy... Though it's probably not going to happen. There are many attacks that need a beefed-up animation, I think. Crush Grip needs an intensified animation, for sure. It needs to look powerful. Same goes for Psychic, Water Spout (for some reason it just feels lacking to me), Earthquake (more than just the screen shaking and flashing, maybe chunks of rock bursting from the ground), and Giga Drain (needs more oomph!).
I'm hoping the zebra has blue stripes. also it would be cool if ditto danced like in the end credits of crystal