Pokemon Attack help


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys, i'm trying to build a basic EX deck counter. What i mean is i want to be able to stand a chance against EX pokes without having to use an EX pokemon myself.

I'm trying to find some cards that have an attack like Gold Break, like this Bouffalant...

I was also going to attach silver bangle to give it an extra 30, so it would to an overall of 150 damage. it wont knock them out but if i were to put a status problem on it with hypnotoxic laser which will add an extra 10 ( i think) and has a possibility to put the Pokemon asleep. plus with Virbank City Gym in play it will add an extra 20 damage to bring out a total of 180 damage. it would KO any ex...

Any flaws you all see any any pokes that have a move similar to Gold break?

Thanks! :D
Well, if you want to counter an EX deck with no EX's, Flareon might be good for you. Check the Deck Garage sub-forum and look there, I believe someone placed a deck in there last week. ;)
I can think of 1 more Gold Breaker off the top of my head: Vaporeon PLF 20/116. I mean its rubbish, but you know, another EX counter to some extent. Also, Jolteon PLF 34/116 could work for you as an EX counter.
I feel like Bouffalant is currently one of the best EX counters around. Gold Breaker is a pretty solid attack especially when paired with Bangle and LaserBank. After the rotation, you may need to look for Furfrou with Fur Coat. Fur Coat is basically just Bouffer. It just allows you to take -20 damage on all attacks.
What about Pyroar from Flash Fire? :3 It's ability lets it null all damage from basic Pokemon (such as Ex Pokemon, not including megas), and without a Bangle or Band it can do up to 90 damage (60, + 30 if you discard a fire energy). Since Flash Fire gives fire decks so much to work with, you would probably be able to have a lot of support for it too... well, if you wanted to go fire. :3