Pokemon Best Wishes: Season 1 Episodes (No Season 2 Discussion)

RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Ice Arceus said:
I finished watching the second part. The part I didn't like about the episode was that half of Ash's Pokemon just lost easily. I wanted to see more fighting, but they just lost. Besides that I really liked the episode.

I just watched it.

It's like Takuto's Darkrai and Latios all over again, only this time it's Shooti's Hatoobo and Janovy with Pururil.

Think by now most people should have come to terms with the fact that Ash is forever a child (why else does Iris say 'kodomo-ne', she means it literally) who will never gain any significant battle skill. Instead all battles are decided based on whether the story needs him to win or lose (eg. he never wins a league championship)

Still, love how his Janovy got hit by meromero and then just sat there grinning like an idiot while Ash's Tsutarja spanked it thoroughly. I'd ship those two pokemon.

The part where Team Rocket escaped in a truck when they could've also simply flown off in the jetpack was also quite amusing.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Nice episode this time, nice to see Dent's character being fleshed out some more. He gets another Pokémon too, which is nice. The Ishumazi battles were pretty cool too, with the little one consistently learning new moves to beat the others.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Dento catching Ishizumai...wow. I would have expected that Chillarmy (it's supposed to be a neat-freak for cleanliness) to be his. Ishizumai was quite a surprise, really. Supporting characters can't catch Pokémon that fast, lol.

Now, what's all this about somebody getting a Munna or something?
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

^ It's because Muuna keeps showing up in advertisement pictures that's why people including me expect someone to get it. I think Dento will and Belle/Iris will get Chillarmy.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Yeah, yesterday I saw bw9 and bw10 and I hate how they're making Ash act like an idiot... Seriously, that pikachu ramming ash scene is just person and in the battle with shooti, he lost 5 against 3 and in the end, he was still happy (Major LOL)...
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

ash acting like an idiot is basically the reason I no longer watch the anime on a regular basis. Surprisingly even Team Rocket has matured, but Ash remains the same.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I thought Ash battling Pikachu was hilarious. Good simple fun isn't stupid, kids.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

The official title from Newtype is

Shippou Gym Battle! VS Gym Leader Aloe!!

airing on the 6th January.

What pokemon will Ash use?

New video on the Pokemon website the co.jp one, but add Pokemon at the beginning then scroll to the bottom it has articles, go to the most recent one that says "「なぞのタマゴキャンペーン」の紹介映像が追加されたよ!" Click on it there should be a video with Ash on it, it has scenes from episode 12, 13, 14 and 15.

It shows in order,

- Kids from the daycare and Yabukuron throwing mudballs at Ash, the kids threating him with there cardboard weapons.

- Ash receives his Egg from the old lady/Daycare owner

Episode 13

- Mijumaru tries to take down the Chillarmy because it stole Ash's case.

- Belle speaks and looks at Ash's egg

- She orders Chaobuu to use Nitro Charge

Episode 14

- Ash orders Pikachu to use quick attack at a levitating suit of Armor (I'm pretty sure this is in the Museum)

- The armor reconstructs and Dento has a Desumasu mask on his face and he uses psychic to make the Dragonite skeleton to come alive

Episode 15

- Aloe sends out Miruhog.

Since we saw Desumasu in an advertisement,
and Team rocket could be causing mischief, could James have Desumasu?
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I heard that the title of the gym battle one was something like "Janovy vs the terrible Miruhogg", or something like that. It's been proven fake now, of course, but one does wonder... could Ash's Snivy be evolving already?

Truth be told, I'm expecting Mamepato to evolve soon. Ash's Starly evolved into Staravia 8 episodes after he captured it...
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

James with Desumasu would rock. Best combo ever, especially if Desumasu evolves at some point.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

OK, just watched BW12. Lot of talking, but the Meguroco from the 3rd episode returned, which made up for it. It used Stone Edge, which looks absolutely amazing with the new graphics. So awesome.

It was nice at the end too, to see all the protagonist's Pokémon (with the exception of Doryuzu) helping out.

So Ash got his egg... what will it hatch into? Dun dun daah!

Oh, and the BW13 teaser's up too, featuring Belle's Chaobuu being tickled by Chillarmy. Teehee.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes





Take these Best wishes advertisements what you will. But i think Ash will evolve his Mijumaru later and Iris or belle will catch Chillarmy.

Also spoilers: The extended preview fir the next episode showed the egg starting to hatch.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I still have to catch up on some episodes. I am guessing that Ash's egg is going to be hatching fast this time then the previous eggs he had.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I just watched the episode and when I saw the egg, I decided to look at the pictures of all the new pokemon to find any colours that resemble it. The best pokemon I could find was Yooterie. In second place, it was Meguroko. I am hoping it's Yooterie but who knows?

And for the episode:
The good:
-You see all the main character's pokemon, minus Doryuzu
-The children look adorable
-Meguroko is back!
-Ash get's an egg

The bad:
-The storyline was lacking
-Very short battles
-Ash seems to be getting younger mentally

Pokemon BW episode 12: C+
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

The egg will most likely hatch Meguroko. I wonder how it's personality is.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Well after episode 12, all the silhouettes will be filled, so that doesn't help. Meguroko would be really cool, but I don't think it will be. The Meguroko with sunglasses looks like it's going to play a role, so I don't think that is what is in the egg.

What I think it is? Well could be Yooterie, but I think that would be boring(sorry Yooterie fans), but I personally think it could Zuruggu. I know that's kind of random, but didn't someone say a plush was coming out for it?