Pokemon Best Wishes: Season 1 Episodes (No Season 2 Discussion)

RE: Best Wishes Episodes

so this tells us the R in team rockets background has now changed i wonder if they will be in every episode or only some of them.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

The R that Team Rocket is wearing hasn't changed, but the one in the background has where Jessie and James are standing. Though it's just probably going to be shown in some of the episodes not all depending on how fast they want to keep showing the R. Like they did in Diamond and Pearl they didn't show the R in the background always just sometimes.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Yeah that R is only going to be in a few epsiodes becuase it hasnt changed completely or the R on thier shirts and t-shirts havent changed
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

James having the rose probably won't change as well. The only thing that has changed for Team Rocket in Best Wishes is the color on their uniforms [white-black]. Giovanni's suit has changed as well from his previous one to this one. Anyway I hope we get some more information on what the new episodes will be about.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I said the R in the background i never said on there shirts read carefully. Also i hope they wont be in every episode.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I've already told you about the R in the background the shirts was when I was talking about what HADN'T changed. The R in the background you were talking about probably won't be shown each and every episode in the series, probably here and there.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Well they probably won't make an appearance about 2-3 times a season. There maybe some episodes where it might just revolve around the main characters and not the bad guys.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

If it is fast paced and doesn't take them long to get to different gyms and places, wouldn't that make the seasons a lot shorter? Or maybe longer battles.
I hope Ash evolves his guys faster than dp. His Turtwig got really annoying with it's cry.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I can't wait for the first episode to air! I really have high hopes for Best Wishes, since I didn't like DP Saga that much..^^'

Hey, this question may or may not be related, but...who knows why won't White (BW Female Protagonist) be in Best Wishes? I was just wondering why they replaced her with Iris...
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

@Tryrisha: To answer your question; the creators just thought that she probably didn't fit in that "anime" environment to be with Ash or that they wanted Iris to be with Ash because during the first series they made Misty go with Ash since she was a gym leader. Iris is a gym leader as well which means that she will be going with Ash. The creators are probably making the 5th generation similar to the 1st generation. Though probably White (BW Female Protagonist) will make an appearance in some of the episodes of Best Wishes.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I think White (Best Wishes Protagonist) will make an appearnace like Lyra (Heart Gold Character) did this season in D/P
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

White (Best Wishes Protagonista) most likely will be appearing in the Best Wishes episodes probably as many have stated she will probably make appearances like Lyra did in the D/P series. It would be cool to see how she is in the anime.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Forgot to say the 5th titles is BW005 - Baoppu, Hiyappu, Yanappu what do you think will happen?(I know it's obvious but explain further)
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Just saw the first ep... pretty impressed. Shiny new graphics yay.

Not so sure about the opening though...first one ever not to feature any protagonists. The music was OK though.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Woah the first epsiode is out already, I must see it!, This is the first series I will watch the Anime in japanese aswell as English
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

awww....! Mijumaru is so cute! He keeps on trying to get ash's attention to catch him!
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Mijumaru :3... Tsutarja's Grass Mixer was a BIG EPIC GRASS TORNADO!!! YAYY
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I just realised something about the opening... in episode 2 some Pokémon had lit up, the ones we'd seen in episode 1. Very cool.

And yeah, Team Rocket appear not to be quite is incompetant as before. Go them. Although boo for Jessie not having a Snake now. :/
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Yeah the opening is very cool, I hope as the episodes progress they uncover the pokemon we have seen in past episodes,