RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes
Eh... I've not been warned for a while.. time to let the rage back out.
You kids with your cute little "aspiring trainer" tags are really annoying me. Seriously, triple-posting, when each post is a few words of unpunctuated nonsense... sigh. Learn2grammr please. In fact, learn not to post unless you actually have something interesting and worthwhile to say.
Also, I think that the people who make the episodes know what they're doing. They're not just making this up as they go, they've got a story going on. And in all honesty, you're a fool if you don't believe that. Snivy will evolve if/when the plot requires it. Oh, and I can't believe that you're so dense that you don't get the main character, but just to help you out, it's Ash Ketchum. He's wearing a blue and white top, you can't miss him.Oh, and the plot revolves around him. Every single week, it's all about him and his adventures.
Le sigh.