BW/BW2 Pokemon Black and White English demo text leaked?

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It is definitely N.Y. in my opinion.Watch this trailer around :33 you will see new york(Isshu) then around :35 you will see Manhattan (Hiun City) You will really see the similarity
Ok the random mamambou stuff and polabu's evo confirms this is fake. 1 we know polabu's evo and it's not that 2 now it just seems like your posting your opinions and saying there real. 3 if the Japanese game isn't out yet then they are working on a English game but they would bot have a demo out yet. 5 those are the worst starter names I have found on these forums.
Lol Rockinpikachu i agree and imma let you finish but you skipped point 4, also that Pokabu's evo might be fake it's not fully confirmed yet.
Yeah but that didn't let me down. This time he has source and has looked in all possible ways to make sure it's real
Fake, fake, fake.
The JAPANESE game hasn't even revealed more than 40 pokemon, but they're already making the ENGLISH names? I think not.
Why would Zoroark become "Zoloark"?

Zoro means "fox". It's clearly a fox. It would be senseless to change that.

I find this entire story unlikely.
I seriously thought that Zorua and Zoroark names would stay the same in English as well. Anyway this is fake and I don't trust this information until we see some real evidence actually coming out from this. The best way to find out what names the Pokemon will have in the English version is to wait and see. The wait might be long, but it might be worth it.
Denizen, often silly Americans who barely know Japanese replace 'r' with 'l'. The Japanese 'r' sounds like a cross between an English 'r' and an English 'l'. Just putting that out there. Zoroark is not its actual Japanese name... it is more like zoroaruku as I recall. We simply americanized it.

Also, trusting 4chan on anything is like believing in God the flying spaghetti monster: You have no reason to believe, nor should you logically have reason to believe, but you just do. 4chan has not been very reliable when it comes to pokemon news. I have trouble believing they released demos in English already. The game in Japan has not been released yet (13 more days ^_^). I'm gonna (probably) release my nitpicks of this "spoiler" later today. Although,3rd mascot based on wuji is logical.
Zero said:
Denizen, often silly Americans who barely know Japanese replace 'r' with 'l'. The Japanese 'r' sounds like a cross between an English 'r' and an English 'l'. Just putting that out there. Zoroark is not its actual Japanese name... it is more like zoroaruku as I recall. We simply americanized it.

Also, trusting 4chan on anything is like believing in God the flying spaghetti monster: You have no reason to believe, nor should you logically have reason to believe, but you just do. 4chan has not been very reliable when it comes to pokemon news. I have trouble believing they released demos in English already. The game in Japan has not been released yet (13 more days ^_^). I'm gonna (probably) release my nitpicks of this "spoiler" later today. Although,3rd mascot based on wuji is logical.

I know what you mean in the case of 4kids and their "Zolo", but in this case it's a fox so it kind of HAS to be "r" - the localisation team generally aren't that perceptive when it comes to naming but I trust them to get that right. And generally even if the Japanese names aren't expressed in romanisation, they are clearly meant to be English - Giaru is Gear, Chiraami is Chillarmy, Rankurusu is obviously Ranculus, Ononokusu would be Ononoxe, etc.
When it comes to Japanese puns, combining Japanese and English is a common thing, so there's a tendency for us to romanise it as english.

And yeah, trusting anything on 4chan is madness - thing is, the same applies to 2ch also. Anything taken from an anonymous imageboard has to be taken with a grain of salt. Of course you have to give those anonymous posts a chance too.

And it's now less than a fortnight away? Wow. I look forward to the storm.
Fake as Michael Jackson Nose

Ppl Belive anything any one can do it look i show ya

Hey i heard of a new Pokémon on 2ch Its a dog with 3 eye's and 10 arse's here's a link .... o wait i mysteriously cant find it,but plz trust me :)

Anywhoo Mijimaru lover's Unite :)
those pc are fake as hell! for many reasons: the pokabu final evo is an edited rhyperior and/or magmortar, and otter->otter->unicorn, i dont think so
and finally, these arent ks artwork so here are the main reasons those are fake, and i scres me that people still think they are real.

i think this thread is fake, but its nice and personally i like the name ivyper, its better than most of the name ideas on the starter's english names page
You know what tells me this is nonsense .. 'Its based on new york'. No. It is in the shape of shanghai which is in china, and yin and yang are chinese.
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