Pokemon Black and White In-Game RMT


Team Dimensional Sniper

Tyranitar:M-Choice Band
Ability: Sand Stream
Nature: Adamant +ATK/-Sp. Atk
EV's: 4 HP/252 ATK/252 Spe
~Stone Edge

One of the most powerful Physical Dark-type pokemon is the lead for my in-game team. While I like to run TTar later in the game I have found it does better early game. Stone Edge, Crunch and Pursuit hold STAB and can be used to inflict a large ammount of damage. Pursuit is a great way to Pursuit kill pokemon like Gengar and non-bulky Psychics like Latias. Crunch can OHKO Latios and Latias. Stone Edge topples pokemon like Weavile and Chandelure while Earthquake can be used on Emboar and Infernape.


Lucario:M-Choice Specs
Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Timid +Spe/-ATK
EV's: 4 DEF/252 Sp. Atk/252 Spe
~Aura Sphere
~Shadow Ball
~Dragon Pulse
~Vacuum Wave

Lucario is one pokemon that was a favorites of LRM's thanks to it providing a great way to deal with pokemon like Weavile and Magnezone quickly. Aura Sphere and Vacuum Wave provide STAB and both can OHKO Excadrill if it doesn't have Sand Ruch, though Vacuum Wave always goes first and will hit even with Sand Rush. Shadow Ball can be used to check bulky Ghost and Psychic pokemon while Dragon Pulse checks Dragon-types.


Excadrill:M-Air Balloon
Ability: Sand Rush
Nature: Jolly +Spe/-Sp. Atk
EV's: 4 HP/252 ATK/252 Spe
~Swords Dance
~Rock Slide

Excadrill takes slot 3 thanks to its massive Speed in a Sandstorm. Excadrill provides a great way to counter Fire, Poison, Electric, Rock and Steel-type pokemon thanks to its Attack and Speed. After one Swords Dance Excadrill can hit any pokemon with a +2 Earthquake and score a OHKO on them. Rock Slide can cripple Flying-types like Gliscor and Zapdos while X-Scissor OHKOs Psychic pokemon that would prove to be a problem later on.


Ability: Magic Guard
Nature: Bold +DEF/-ATK
EV's: 248 HP/216 DEF/44 Sp. Atk
~Calm Mind
~Focus Blast

Reuniclus provides a much needed Special base attacker to the team and provides coverage against Fighting-types like Machamp. After a couple Calm Minds Reuniclus can hit alot of pokemon hard with Psyshock and Focus Blast. Recover helps restore HP and Magic Guard protects Reuniclus from Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sandstorm and Hail.


Ability: Water Absorb
Nature: Bold +DEF/-ATK
EV's: 248 HP/216 DEF/44 Sp. Def
~Shadow Ball

Jellicent is one of the very few pokemon that I would run on a in-game Sandstorm team. Jellicents needed bulk provides a much needed support to the team and makes for a great Fighting blocker. WoW can be used to Burn non-Flash Fire and Fire-type pokemon while Scald is just for those that are that type or have that. Shadow Ball can be used to counter Gengar and Chandelure. Recover when combined with Leftovers and Water Absorb provide a massive HP recovery rate.


Rotom-W:?-Leftovers/Chesto Berry
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Bold +DEF/-ATK
EV's: 248 HP/216 DEF/44 Spe
~ThunderWave/Sleep Talk
~Hydro Pump

With Rotoms alternate forms changing from Ghost/Electric to Fire, Flying, Grass, Ice and Water it makes it easy to find a spot of each of them. Rotom-W provides some bulk that can be used with ThunderWave that can slow down pokemon that can out pace a fair size portion of the team. Discharge has 30% chance of Paralyzing a pokemon while Hydro Pump provides a needed powerful attack. Rest was the only option to restore HP and cure all status problems. Leftovers is a better option then Chesto Berry if you run Sleep Talk over ThunderWave.
When you say "in-game", do you mean for like a competitive Wi-Fi match, or for the Elite 4 and stuff?
To me it seems like the team was wifi competitive, thus I didn't lock it and that was why I approved it. I've never been a fan of Choice Specs Lucario, but that's just me. I find a Swords Dance set to be more effective for sweeping.
I like to run Choice Specs cause it gives a massive boost to the special attack and lets Lucario OHKO Excadrill with Vacuum Wave.
Now this is the kinda team I like :p. The kind used on WiFi. I have been hammered hard by Banded Tyranitar before so I know just how powerful it is. I find that A pokemon like Lucario who can out speed it can cripple it enough that it gets revenge killed later on. Lucario itself I like to run as a Swords Dance sweeper. Boosting max attack allows for an easy take out of pokemon like Magnezone with Close Combat. Excadrill is fast and powerful. Not easy to counter unless you can hit it first. Conkeldurr I have seen manage to do so with a Mach Punch attack. Reuniclus is one tough Psychic-type that I always loss my Wish Blissey to every time. Psyshock deals the damage needed to take out my Health recovery plan. But Gengar can out speed and use Shadow Ball to cripple it fast. Jellicent I just love since its able to ruin teams who are heavy on water based moves. However I fall victimn to Thunder from Thunderous when its used with Drizzle Politoed. Finally Rotom-W! This thing is so cute yet destructive at the same time. Having Levitate makes it a tough hit but thanks to it being a Water-type Grass moves work well. Sub/Spore Breloom that I run works great and allows for me to 2HKO most Rotom-W with Seed Bomb.

In general I find this team to be very rounded out thanks to the great support line.