BW/BW2 Pokemon Black and White SUPER CUTE Plushies!

SotH said:
That Hypno is Custom made.

Someone has it on lj if I remember.​

Wow, someone is good at stitching XD
That is pretty good though :p
TheDarkLucario said:

There is a hypno plush :D

Hope I made your day better

*jaw drops* that official? That's so awesome!! T-T that totally made my night, thanks! O_O

ManhattanTheStarr said:
Well there may be no Medicham plushie, but at least there's still a Waluigi plushie. :p

OMF, I have that Waluigi plush, it's so awesome! <33333333333333
I freaking LOVE plushies! I'm a pokedoll collector you see. (ever seen Digital_Tamer on Pokemon Collectors? Moi.) I'm just waiting for my Zorua and Zoroark Pokedolls to arrive...
Just likie DG: I'm also waiting to see what Poké Dolls come out before I make my move.
The last 3 I got were bootlegs/fakes....but I don't care.
If you want to see them plz got to my site (which is in my siggy) & look in photo's.
Light Venusaur said:
Just likie DG: I'm also waiting to see what Poké Dolls come out before I make my move.
The last 3 I got were bootlegs/fakes...but I don't care.
If you want to see them please got to my site (which is in my siggy) & look in photo's.
In your wants, it shows Charizard. I used to have the same one until I traded for a Huge Lucario Plush DX [Which is a really rare find for a Lucario collector such as myself] . I traded last month to be exact XD

@Mucrush: That's not cool. Your so famous people make you plushes D':
theres ur dang meditite or whatever plusie
TheDarkLucario said:
In your wants, it shows Charizard. I used to have the same one until I traded for a Huge Lucario Plush DX [Which is a really rare find for a Lucario collector such as myself] . I traded last month to be exact XD

@Mucrush: That's not cool. Your so famous people make you plushes D':
Hey! I've payed for it! D:
ramsey1993 said:
theres ur dang meditite or whatever plusie

Wow your cool >.>

@Mucrush: TELL ME WHO MADE IT! I need to meet this guy <3
Holycrapmustgetthese. I'm not much of a Pokémon Plushie collector (I only have 1 Japanese one; a Pichu), but these are awesome. =D

Am I the only one who thinks the Mamepato one is giving you a thumbs up? XD

Lol, I don't care if they only come to Japan; I'll ask my mom to order it for me for Christmas <333 as long as its no more than $100 (lol)then I'll ask her <333 all I want is Guardian Signs anyway >_> about how much do you think they cost?