BW/BW2 Pokemon Black or White?

Freak :P

Hidden behind the Shadows.
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After I saw the date of Black and White releasing I knew I had to choose between the two versions since I don't want to waste my money on getting both. However, I am really confused in which version I should get. What are your thoughts on the pros of each game and which game are you planning to get?

Pros of White: White Forest (Many Obtainable Pokemon), Psychic Thing (Jelly)
Pros of Black: The technological city difference
Well, the jelly fish im pretty sure is obtainable in both versions. correct me if im wrong. But only one city, the eighth gym city, has a technological part that is associated with black (black city too, but thats totally different from a forest). White has triple battles, while black has more rotation battles. So just pick the one that you like better. I decided to choose white because i really like zekrom. All my other friends like reshiram so its good.

If you cant decide, get the one opposite of your friends so you can trade and unlock pokemon in the special areas (black city and white forest), or get both.
I preodered white because I like Zekrom, but I'll try to get both.
The only real difference is the legendary and the version exclusive place. Get white if you like Zekrom and/or to be able to catch a lot more first form Pokemon. Or get Black if you like Reshiram and/or to be able to fight more higher leveled opponents. In white you get more Pokemon to train, but in Black training to higher levels is easier. Personally I'm getting White because I like the version exclusives better.
I actually think you should get both, like I did, because there are going to be major differences. Such as Black City and White Forest, being in different versions, etc.
White, if that's the one with Zekrom? I like all of the stuff in white, except zekrom, but i like the change to the 8th gym city better, wait what are the other Pokemon differences?
I know...? What are changes are there because i want to get that goth chick thing and can you get Riolu/Lucario in both games or just one?

I thought you said "Everythings in white except Zekrom" :p. My bad.
Same he's my favourite


Gochierezu, Reshiram and 8th city i hate

Rankurusu, Zekrom and 8th city i like?

Yep I'm going with Black version.
Lol, Lucario is so overrated. xD
Anyways, I'm going for Black, but ONLY for the exclusives. Pretty much everything else in White I prefer over Black. White Forest, ZEKROM, and having Iris as the 8th Gym Leader. I mean, I don't even like Reshiram as much, if not at all... D: But I HAVE to have Gochiruzeru, Erufuun, and Barujina. Their exclusive counterparts suck, IMO. >.>
I'm going to pick based on Yin and Yang in which the B/W Legendaries are supposed to be based on:

Zekrom = Yin

* Symbolizes Slow, Soft, Yielding, Diffuse, Cold, Wet. Zekrom is associated with Water, Earth, Moon, Femininity, and Nighttime.

Reshiram = Yang

* Symbolizes Fast, Hard, Solid, Focused, Hot, Dry, Aggressive. Reshiram is associated with Fire, Sky, Sun, Masculinity and Daytime.

Pick your Poison. I choose Black. If Zekrom represents Cold and Wet shouldn't it have been a Ice Type instead of Kyurem and apparently Zekrom was made into Electric Type due to a fan request.
I am pre-ordering White, because I want to catch the Pokemon in WF and I just prefer all of White's Version Exclusives.
Uum i think i will get white first, but in every other generaition i ended up having all of the games!
I really, REALLY, want the white forest, but I don't see what's so good about Zekrom. It just doesn't look NATURAL. Like a robot. Also, I love Reshiram's types. Fire is one of my favorite types, and Dragon is another one. AND Reshiram's stats seem to work better with his movepool, Reshiram would be more focused on its Special stats, Zekrom more on Physical stats, and we all know there are MANY more special Fire type attacks then there are Eclecttic physical attacks. Also, while Zekrom can have the strong physical Dragon Claw, Reshiram can have Dragon Pulse, the same thing as Dragon Claw, but special and has 10 more base power. Therefor, I have concluded that Reshiram is better then Zekrom. :D
I'm getting white for only one reason. My brother is getting black and if we want both version exclusives I was basically forced to get white. I like everything better in black, Reshiram, Black City, Version Exclusives, etc.