RE: Pokemon+ Bold Ascension, Text-based Set by NameBlank. Newest cards: 10.71% Done! Newest cards: Numel, Camerupt, Torkoal, Torkoal
Four cards in one day! that shouldn't be an accomplishment
Four cards in one day! that shouldn't be an accomplishment
[Basic] Numel HP80 -Fire
NO. 322, Numb Pokemon, Height: 2'04", Weight: 52.9 lbs.
[C][C] Light Nudge 20
Weakness: [W] +10
Retreat: [C][C]023/280 Common
[Stage 1] Camerupt HP110 - Fire/- Ground
NO. 323, Eruption Pokemon, Height: 6'03", Weight: 485 lbs.
[C] Pit Fall
Discard the top card of your opponent's deck for each [O] Energy attached to Camerupt.
[F][F][C][C] Lava Overflow 90
This attack does 20 damage to each of your Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.)
Weakness: [W] +20
Retreat: [C][C]024/280 Rare
[Basic] Torkoal HP80 - Fire
NO. 324, Coal Pokemon, Height: 1'07", Weight: 177.2 lbs.
[F] Smokescreen 20
If the Defending Pokemon tries to attack during your opponent's next turn, your opponent flips a coin. If tails, that attack does nothing.
Weakness: [W] +20
Retreat: [C][C]025/280 Uncommon
[Basic] Torkoal HP90 - Fire
NO. 324, Coal Pokemon, Height: 1'07", Weight: 177.2 lbs.
[Ability] Hot Steam Release Signal
Once during your turn, (before your attack), when you play Torkoal from your hand you may discard a [F] Energy attached to 1 of your Pokemon. If you do, search your deck for a Pokemon with Torkoal in it's name and put it in your hand.
[F] Metal Mealting 20+
Discard a [M] Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon. If the Defending Pokemon is a [M] Pokemon, this attack does 20 more damage.
Weakness: [W] +20
Resistance: [G] -20
Retreat: [C][C]026/280 Rare