Pokemon Card Making Contest

I think your right. Update:



  • CharizardFire.jpg
    256.1 KB · Views: 3
I've updated it. My internet starts to have some problem so I ended up in a link broken but now I had fixed it. Check the embeded picture.
Much better, thank you.
(Make's a new card.....but to sleepy to do it. I'll edit this when I get up tomorrow)
Anyway, how do find those images you put on the fake cards ? I want to know so I can try to make my own fake card
Me? I take pictures from deviantart.com and the icongs of energies, pokepower/bodies and others, I take them from pokemonpalace.com
I've made a new card.
Here it is.

If I judge these two, I want to be a judge

HP: Good, pretty reasonable for level
Moves: Two good, and powerful moves
Picture: Kinda of fuzzy (background, make the image a little bigger
Other: The retreat cost shouldn't be Two Energies
Overall Score: 7.5/10

Light Venasaur:
HP: Reasonable for Lv.
Moves: I like that: Slashing and Biting to victory !
Picture: I love that image ! It's cute and adorable
Other: Nothing of note
Overall Score: 9.5/10 ! Almost perfect ! That's a very great card !