Pokemon Catcher

recycled qq

Aspiring Trainer
I'm building a new deck and i don't really have too much. Trying to get my hands on some pokemon catchers but they're pricey. Is there anything i can use to fill its spot while i get them?
Nothing in this game quite like pokemon catcher at the moment. If you dont play modified, i would suggest using gust of wind. same thing
Weeell, if you have at least one Catcher and you are worried about it not being enough, you could use Dowsing Machine as your Ace Spec or run some Recycles I guess.
You can also try Escape Rope. It's definitely not the same thing, but it can still be disruptive if played properly.
Yes, use escape rope for now. You could also consider making a ninetales/amoongus/laser deck or Darkrai/Ninetales. Escape rope is probably better though coupled with float stone so that you can get the pokemon you want back into active more easily.
Catcher can make or break a game. If you're looking to play for fun though, you could try escape ropes. Not as effective, but they get the job done. (sometimes). I find them best used with Keldeo EX.
Thanks for the replies. Very appreciated. I'm going to try to get my hands on some pokemon catchers, but for now i'll use escape ropes :)
Genesect has a built in Catcher but it requires you to attach a Plasma Energy.

I think Plasma Hydreigon has an attack with a similar effect but you end your turn after damage applied of course so they could easily switch or retreat next turn.
There's a lot of pokemon that have catcher-esque attcks, but none of them really work. And if he has money for genesects he could just buy catchers.