Pokemon Catcher

venasour x

Now I'm in college :)
What do you think of Gust of Wind reborn? I personally don't like it, because its almost like a free prize, and Gyarados is going to murder when it comes out. What do you guys think?
This belongs in Sandbox for now.


dmaster out.
Denial of set up is nice, but not pre-GS with all those 200 damage cards that just don't care about energy. Vileplume plugs you up a little, too.

Gust of Wind is a VERY base set card. Like I have said before, we are reverting back to Base... with some bonuses. This card will be exactly what the BW-on format needed. As far as it goes right now, LUXRAY is broken... now you can forgo the poketurns and expensive X cards and just use 4 GoW. The current format will became a donkfest (aren't you guys happy that you haven't given up because of MewGar?). The moment we lose SF, this card will be a perfectly normal card in the format. Until then, watch the chaos go off of Gyarados, MAchamp, Kingdra, etc going to town. This one card may be able to revive Kingdra... we'll see.
What about the new Rule Changes when we get Black & White Base Set next year? Poke-Powers and Bodies are now being changed to just "Abilities", Supporters, Stadiums, and Goods now become "Trainers" meaning that Vileplume can shutdown Supporters and Stadiums as well. It's almost like Base Set 1999 all over again only this time with less Trainermon like it was in the past.

Players can now play Trainers, Stadiums, and Supporters on their first turn. Basically unless TPCi does something about the Black & White Base Set a WHOLE lot of stuff prior to it is going to get errated to stay up to date with the Rule Changes in B/W which I don't think they want to take that risk, look at what they did in the HeartGold/SoulSilver sets when Japan changed Trainers to Goods and in the U.S. they kept it to Trainers.
Ummm, sorry if I sound rude or whatever, but I believe Vileplume will not be able to block anything in B/W.
If I recall correctly, Train cards are being renamed to Trainer's cards, so it's possible Vileplume COULD block them but not Supporters as they aren't Trainer/Trainer's cards and neither are Stadiums. Supporter cards are also being renamed to Support cards. It would be awesome if Vileplume/Spiritomb could though!
Nintendan, you are incorrect. Vileplume sees all Trainer's Support as Supporter cards... and all Trainer's cards are Trainer cards in the eyes of Vileplume. It is like a reverse EX-to-DP switch.
That remains to be seen, we don't know for sure yet how they will name those things here. Trainer's Trainer sounds odd.

What I'm interested in is using this thing with Gothruzelle and Dialga. Gothrulzelle will deny your opponent trainers (She specifies Goods...) and Dialga will prevent opposing Plumes from working. That way, YOU can play your Catchers and any other trainers you want, which THEY will be unable to do. As of now though, I'm trying to figure out a reliable way to let Gothruzelle get that energy on her consistently.
Hold on to your Vileplumes guys... This is going to be a bumpy ride...

I think they are flipping the game. Instead of having overpowered Pokemon, and meh trainers, they are changing it back to meh Pokemon, and overpowered trainers. Which, actually, I like, but I think they didn't need to print GOW again...

This card changes EVERYTHING. Just this one card. Get ready to relearn the game, guys.

(As a side note, if they keep the new name in English, you'll be able to run 8 GOW in Unlimited. :O )
Porygon-X said:
(As a side note, if they keep the new name in English, you'll be able to run 8 GOW in Unlimited. :O )
Dang, that'll be awful for League. Time to stock up on Vileplume...
I have 2 Vileplume, and several Gengar. Maybe its not that bad of an idea...

Anyways, SF MUST GO in order for the rest of the metagame to survive.
I don't want to see Macheap with any more switching cards. Sorry, team member, when I commented about it losing to full evo field. Macheap Prime is stupid.

The most fair way, in my opinion, to make this card work without being broken is to have a mid-season rotation and make it B&W-On.
GH, do you know how many winy babies that would create? I know people who cringe at the thought of a rotation... let alone a mid-season rotation? Just not good. IMO, let people play imba decks for a small time... it will only be for nats and worlds. A double rotation (8 sets) would be just lovely post worlds... but mid-season rotations are just a no-go. I agree... it would be smart... but PUSA has a formula and they are not going to deviate from it that much.