Pokemon Catcher

Ban Pokemon Catcher and you fix the format, P!P/TPCi doesn't realize how bad it could get. I'm still interested to see how it warps the format but I got a strong feeling that it's going to be bad.
Actually, while catcher will create a whole new format, it will be less luck-based, which many people will like. it will prevent people from saying, "I have horrible luck if I'd flipped heads on reversal I'd have won." or all sorts of similar things. It will also prevent everyone from spamming victini because of how easily victini is killed. However, I think it will create a meta based around it: Catcherkrom and anything that can beat Catcherkrom is Tier 1, and everything else is Tier 2-3. It'll overcentralize the meta but at least it'll remove luck.
b to the r to the o to the k to the e to the n. (broken) Why? Because you have absolutely 0 Chance of setting up making it the fast paced meta game we were trying to avoid by rotating to HG-SS anyways. It's going to be only decks that can set up fast, and don't need staples on the bench to do their dirty work. (AKA: Yanmega, Yanmega, and guess what? More Yanmega) Or a less reliant method Vileplume, which WILL be hard to set up thanks to people running 4 Catcher and Yanmega. The format will be extremely yanmega based even MORE so then before.
i really don't see zekrom as a huge problem. its the stage one decks(phan and mega) that will run the show i think. thats what my testing has shown anyways.
Yanmega shouldn't be too hard to counter unless you run Lanturn Prime or keep changing your hand size to where they don't get the free attack cost boost from Insight but it might be hard with Copycat/Judge.

Perhaps they need to ban Yanmega Prime not just Pokemon Catcher as well? I was a fool for taking that Pokemon for granted but with Copycat/Judge it's a bit too powerful meaning that it can easily 2HKO anything for (40 + 70 = 111) damage for no attack cost whatsoever.

MewMega is BDIF, I'm convinced of this at the moment.
Yes, because we should ban everything because of all the illegitimate reasons in the world right? Why not ban Luxray, or Garchomp, or even Chandelure? What is MewMega it sounds disgusting.
How would Mewmega work? Would Mew use Yanmega's attacks? Because Mew doesn't copy yanmega's body so that would be useless.
It's going to make running starters like Cleffa less useful since when you're done with them you can't just sit them on the bench.

Anything they usually has some kind of support pokemon on the bench will be hurt too like Emboar or Feraligatr Prime.

Even if whatever gets pulled up doesn't get killed people will be running more catchers than their opponent is running switch so it's going to end up hurting no matter what.
Card Slinger J said:
Yanmega shouldn't be too hard to counter unless you run Lanturn Prime or keep changing your hand size to where they don't get the free attack cost boost from Insight but it might be hard with Copycat/Judge.

Perhaps they need to ban Yanmega Prime not just Pokemon Catcher as well? I was a fool for taking that Pokemon for granted but with Copycat/Judge it's a bit too powerful meaning that it can easily 2HKO anything for (40 + 70 = 111) damage for no attack cost whatsoever.

MewMega is BDIF, I'm convinced of this at the moment.

This is not YuGiOh, we don't ban every single card that people just want to. Yanmega is not overpowered. It's a 110HP bug that just gets squished by Reshiram or Zekrom. It's only going to get worse with Catcher. Yanmega players also have at least eight shots that they can take for free and they should take advantage of it. Just chill and don't say the words "banning cards" anymore because it will not happen and if it does it will be absurd.
Card Slinger J said:
Yanmega shouldn't be too hard to counter unless you run Lanturn Prime or keep changing your hand size to where they don't get the free attack cost boost from Insight but it might be hard with Copycat/Judge.

Perhaps they need to ban Yanmega Prime not just Pokemon Catcher as well? I was a fool for taking that Pokemon for granted but with Copycat/Judge it's a bit too powerful meaning that it can easily 2HKO anything for (40 + 70 = 111) damage for no attack cost whatsoever.

MewMega is BDIF, I'm convinced of this at the moment.


It doesn't need to be banned. The Dragons 1HKO Yanmega every turn.

And was Gust of Wond that broken? It doesn't have to be banned either. It was fine when it was first printed, it'll be fine now.
glaceon said:

It doesn't need to be banned. The Dragons 1HKO Yanmega every turn.

And was Gust of Wond that broken? It doesn't have to be banned either. It was fine when it was first printed, it'll be fine now.
It indeed wasn't broken especially since only few things were ohkoing back then.... Now things hitting much harder so it's slightly different thing.... but it's still not broken, just dropping many decks in terms of tier. excluding few like ZPS, TyphloRam, stage 1 toolbox and Yanmega variants as example. Emboar decks tho will suffer hard from this since their attack is fail, they have high retreat...
Could someone explain MewMega to me? It doesn't sound particularly ravaging, considering Mew can't copy Yanmega's 'Body...
Scizorliscious said:
Could someone explain MewMega to me? It doesn't sound particularly ravaging, considering Mew can't copy Yanmega's 'Body...

Me too.

Zhaituki said:
It indeed wasn't broken especially since only few things were ohkoing back then.... Now things hitting much harder so it's slightly different thing.... but it's still not broken, just dropping many decks in terms of tier. excluding few like ZPS, TyphloRam, stage 1 toolbox and Yanmega variants as example. Emboar decks tho will suffer hard from this since their attack is fail, they have high retreat...

Ya. Emboar vairents will do so badly.
MewMega works by having Mew Prime as your Starter to See Off Jumpluff to the Lost Zone and build up your bench with Mew Primes and Yanma's via Pokemon Collector or Pichu so that you can Mass Attack like crazy with Mew Prime. The deck runs at least 2 Jumpluff to make sure it doesn't get prized. Yanmega Prime is self-explainatory, use Copycat/Judge to make him attack for free with Insight while also being able to use Catcher/Reversal to snag Pokemon for 2HKO's.

Since pratically most of the Pokemon in MewMega have free retreat it gets around Beartic easily and makes running Switch not worth the hassle. It can also get rid of Cleffa Starters and Tyrogue If Yanmega is setup on T2 with a Copycat or a Judge, "Oh look free prizes!". So yeah the only synergy Mew and Yanmega really have is the free retreat and that they can attack for up to just 1 energy attachment, 2 for 1 Psychic and a Grass If you've used See Off and are using Mass Attack with Jumpluff in the Lost Zone with Mew Prime, that's really about it.

If setup correctly it can 2HKO with Yanmega for 111 damage with Linear attack, Sonicboom, and Mass Attack with Mew Prime before your Opponent has a chance to setup throughout the entire game unless you manage to match up to the decks' speed of course. My LostCario deck runs similiar to MewMega but loses steam quickly due to not getting enough Pokemon in my Lost Zone to do heavy damage with Lucario and Mew Prime but it's still a really good deck.

With Rainbow Energies I think MewMega could run the HGSS Lapras Promo as a niche tech for Ferry to get your Copycat's and Judges from your Discard Pile to your hand despite that it has 2 retreat you could run a 1-1 Dodrio line for Retreat Aid but since most of the Pokemon in the deck already have free retreat it's a dead card in that situation though.