No we don't....We go through this exact same thing every couple of years.
And that's honestly part of the problem, TPCi just doesn't learn when these kinds of problems happen.We go through this exact same thing every couple of years.
It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, this has happened to almost every other collectable scene imaginable and the only way to "fix" it is to overprint it to Heck and back whist ignoring the cries of short-term investors.yeah given the effectiveness of bots in line, then the huge number of bots we see might just be a few scalpers who have managed to successfully procure supply at scale, rather than tons of independent scalpers each claiming a small chunk of the supply that they’re then competing with on price with the other scalpers
ever since I saw that TCGPlayer infinite article about how it’s possible one person is controlling the supply of the Tera Greninja ex SIR from Twilight Masquerade, I always have to wonder if it’s a small group of people who have figured out to control supply
I was in line up until queue started to stall, after that I just decided that I'm better off getting into a TCG that's not being used to launder money and/or evade taxes.1st time had it in my cart, couldn't enter card number.
2nd time could enter card number but buyout didn't go through (visa window didn't close after multiple checkmarks).
3rd time, was in "waiting line", did nothing for 30 minutes when it suddenly banned me.
no vpn, no bot, no script.
Absolute joke.
As someone who used to work with less-than reputable small blusinesses I only have a couple of things to say: Scalpers have zero shame in regards to what they do (remember that one used their own children and a fake assault claim on them justify cleaning out a store of product) and that the only scare to scare them off is to do something that involves a reaction from law enforcement.Lowkey, is there a way to publicly ridicule scalpers and those who buy massive amounts of product. There should be a sign or comment that tells ppl that a certain store is scalping or mock ppl who do it online. I believe if we can make them feel as uncomfortable to be in this space, then they will not want to do this or at least have a misrible time doing it
More like 1.5 million bots and 100,000 scalpers1.5 million bots and 500,000 actual customers.
I don't know why people say 2023 was the best year for collecting. How bad was the scalping scene in the US last year? Speaking as a JP collector for the most part, 2024 was a lot better from my experience. There was product available for nearly the entire year. Even stuff like 151 packs were restocked constantly on the JP Pokemon Center site. By the time Terastal Festival came out and Battle Partners started pre-orders, that's when I noticed the scalping scene coming back in a boom. I had actually opened a majority of the sets by then because shit was actually affordable. 2023 was horrible for JP collectors. Sets were scalped up the ass and lotteries were the only ways of obtaining them at a fair price without being a speed freak on third-party sites that get botted in almost an instant. All of the sudden, we're back to where we were then. The hell happened?Please don’t leave now. The best times of the hobby was after the COVID boom, which I presume is when you left last time. The period after that was a wonderful time to be in the hobby, which you missed out on alongside all the other people that left. 2023 was my favorite year ever as a player and collector. You’re only exposing yourself to the worst periods and never the best periods with unfortunate timing combined with deciding not to wait it out. It will go back down, as the last boom did, albeit with a higher demand floor than before (but also a higher supply floor).
It was basically nonexistent for the first half of the year, you had the usual prerelease hype prices for certain chase cards but they'd eventually go down. That slowly started to change with Obsidian Flames and 151 but finding product wasn't too hard if you knew where to look whilst Paradox Rift altered the pull rates for SIRs to their current level of "2 SIRs per booster case" nonsense.How bad was the scalping scene in the US last year?
We have the BW special set and the Mega TCG sets coming out after Destined Rivals, things are going to get worse before they could potentially get better.Oh boo hoo you (referring to those who bot the ever loving shit out of PKMNCenter) have incurable FOMO and a mixture of PTCGP getting Pokémon fans into the card game and an Eevee set dropping making that FOMO excessive and long lasting. You're the only reason it's so damn expensive, because your greedy ass can't spend 2 minutes getting a real job. What's your plan when TPCi inevitably tells you to shove it and mass reprints every set since 151 into the depths of Hell? They did it with Celebrations in SwSh era, they'll do it again. All TPCi needs to do is make one big draw set and have somewhere between jackshit and fuckall in it except for the chase. (i.e. Obsidian Flames) maybe after Destined Rivals we get a set where the only good card is Red's Charizard and the only things also good in the set are cards that support that deck but they're far inferior compared to Charizard.
I agree. Certain locations around the world might be/have been different at different times, but before Prismatic Evolutions in the area where I live (in Germany) and in the online stores where I preordered/ordered and actually could get things, some things were more expensive, some more sought after, but the only things I remember in the last 6 years before 2025 that actually were pretty much unavailable were some ultra premium collections and the 3 Eeveelution special boxes. But it was never that nothing from a main set was available, that everything cost 2x the normal price even weeks after release or that pre-orders were done 2 months ahead and then completely sold out within minutes.2025 was a great time to quit. Things aren't going to get better. 2 MILLION BOTS IN QUEUE
And no, what's been going on for the last 3-4 months doesn't "happen every couple of years." Even during the worst of the pandemic, a booster box of a set that was just coming out wasn't $250. Singles of chase cards weren't four digits. Pokemon Center's website wasn't divebombed every other day. Every other story wasn't scalpers, scalpers, scalpers, MJ Holdings and other distributors holding the hobby for ransom, scalpers, people fistfighting each other over Pokemon cards, and scalpers. Things are rotted right now and TPCi seems ill-equipped to handle it.
They'll eventually realize they've got a ton of unsold product and that their margins are slim and move onto other things before deciding to go back to Pokémon in 2 yearsI truly hate that this is where we're at. I used to love being able to go to Walmart and grab a pack or two on my way out. The Walmart by me has been bone dry every single time I've gone for at least the last couple months. I got lucky and found 2 tins of PRE at target last week. That was the first thing I'd opened in about 45 days or so. I've mostly just switched to buying singles now. That's ultimately cheaper than buying sealed product these days. I've honestly considered just giving up the hobby for a while. It's just not that fun anymore. When a set drops and is already much more expensive than msrp on release day you know things have gotten a little out of hand.
There really isn’t much that TPCi can do regarding distributors and retailers. The best that they could do is discontinue working with distributors that pump up the prices of products but that also means poisoning the TCG’s reach (with MJ Holdings being an unfortunate reminder of that, they’re the only TCG supplier that provides stores like Walmart with products.The fact that TPCi has not made any legal action towards the storefronts and distributors enabling the shitty scalping practices with some of the most backhanded tactics I've ever seen for a damn card game, begs the opinion that they are completely unaware of how truly hopeless this situation has become or they are preparing a scorched earth approach in taking out these practices.
The bad pull rates technically started between Paradox Rift and Temporal Forces, especially with the latter set (and later) having 2 SIRs per case on average. That said you are right about Shrouded Fable to a certain extent, it showed how absolutely devastating these pull rates are for special sets and how horrible Prismatic Evolutions would be.It really does not help that Shrouded Fable and Prismatic Evolutions intentionally lowered pull rates of cards to drive artificial demand in a key moment that set off a massive domino effect. I have not seen a pack of Surging Sparks since November. I was incredibly lucky to get a booster bundle of Prismatic recently. I locked in as many Journey Together prereleases as possible and luckily I got good pulls.
Yeah… no. I’m already seeing prices for the old XY sets rising due to Z-A announcing the return of Megas and I’m sure the same nonsense will happen in the Mega era.This massive recession in the TCG has been caused by lightning striking more than twice; A main set with a Pikachu mascot is also the biggest shakeup to the meta in a while, followed by an Eevee themed special set with the worst pull rates in recent history, which is then followed up by a set featuring iconic trainers from across the franchise onward. If scalpers only look to characters and Gen 1 material, we can probably expect this drought to recede by the MEGA Era, provided the Unova special set is also paid no mind. But this will only last until Pokemon Day 2026.
Yeah, we do... This just happened literally a couple of years ago.No we don't....
Yes we do, we went through this in mid 2010s, 2020, and now 2025. And it ALWAYS ends the same way. People in the e4 forum even made a graph for it:No we don't....
1.5 million bots and 500,000 actual customers.
Yes we do, we went through this in mid 2010s, 2020, and now 2025. And it ALWAYS ends the same way. People in the e4 forum even made a graph for it:
View attachment 20630
We are currently in the climax of stage B, and we should be entering stage C in the near future. It's happened every single boom, and I dont see this one being any different.