Pokemon Center Singapore and Pokemon Vending Machines Implement New Anti-Scalping Techniques for TCG Purchases!

The problem is NOT that they didn't print enough y'all really need to quit saying that the company only prints so much of each set then moves onto the next they don't care if it's popular set or not they're allocated the same amount for every set whatevers out is out, they're talking about a "reprint" that won't come for another year or two just like Shinning Fates did it was exactly the same as it is now with that set, They keep telling your "more is coming" of prismatic because there's still 4 products that need released not because they're printing more, they don't care if Timmy can't buy a booster bundle at target, they do care that their products are being sold out and bought off shelf's in seconds that's profit for them, they'll keep tell you more is coming so you stick around when in reality they're just telling you want you want to hear. I blame WhatNot and people just being lazy cause it's easier to just sit at your monitor and have someone open your stuff for you smh, stores also need to put limits on the products 2/3 per person is very reasonable no one wants to stand in line for hours just for the first person to buy literally everything and yes the Timmy down the street buying 3 cases is hurting people being able to get product their the ones making deals with distributions so they get the stock over the lgs thus screwing them as a business as well. The distributer and vendors don't determine the price of the products that's solely on the seller just cause it's says MSRP is $20 doesn't mean you HAVE to sell it at that if your not a licensed retailer remember that's only the suggested retail price and these people aren't retail. If WhatNot never came to be you wouldnt have streamers buying up all the stock and selling it 3xs sticker the problem isn't Low stock there is NOTHING hindering them from printing products like the pandemic did this is 100% people trying to monopolize this hobby to the point of that the only way to get products will be from crap like whatnot and streamers, the vendors are getting paid off by them, they're destroying LGS business forcing them to charge more for their products just to compete. Then you have TCG player being the only thing to determine the market value of everything that these people are charging you based off of that 1 site alone and TCG player is the most screwed up ass backwards way of pricing it's just one seller after the other either raising or lowering the price based off how many sales it made at that price sometimes you'll price it at NM and it's cheaper than the LP because there were more sales at the lower price of the NM and the only one that sold of the LP was a higher cost i.e. the NM is $30 because that's the most common price people are paying but the LP is $40 because that's the only sales they have for the card in that condition it all comes down to streamers paying premiums to distributors getting products over legitimate LGS brick and mortors and retail and charging us whatever they seem fit. Worst thing is theres no way to stop them because y'all are always fighting each other over how or why someone collects in this hobby.
Guys stop typing essays in the comments we already know how you feel about scalpers and prices and the amount of printers and all that other stuff
I say let them rant. There is a lot of dissatisfaction in the hobby right now (obviously). This is an article about the new, somewhat laughable anti-scalper measures put in place by a faceless, uncommunicative corporation after we've been dealing with this hostile environment for months. The article itself is starting a discussion on these topics. This is a pretty good place to air out your frustrations on the state of things, in my opinion.
Little supply and high demand.
My local store has to get products from other sellers. These are more expensive than official distributors and ramp up the price. It’s the only time they do it and they communicate it. If your seller does it for no reason, they are just *ssholes.

That said, I see so many people paying two or three times the amount of the price. It’s stupid and you are part of the problem if you keeping on going with that. Yeah, it means you won’t get product for a while but it’s the only way to counter - but everyone isn’t in control of their FOMO.
One of my local shops was breaking seals when the Prismatic ETBs were coming out. This is good for people that just want to collect for themselves; I have no sympathy for resellers. My local shops were doing a good job making sure product went to actual players for a while, but they recently started asking market prices for product claiming their distributors were upping costs.

I guess I have to sit out collecting for a while and just buy singles. Hopefully this bubble pops soon, and the vultures disperse to other "investments".
Sorry but no. This isn’t happening just because they didn’t print enough product. This is definitely fueled by scalpers and a “cardboard stock market” type event. Just because they print more doesn’t mean the scalpers will buy less. Means they will just buy more.
This is 100% because there isn't enough product, as an owner of a shop my supply has dwindled and speaking to other shop owners it's been the same. Our distributors have also confirmed an unprecedented demand and lower supply on recent sets. If there were plenty of product then scalpers would have no luck selling at above MSRP as everyone could get it for less...
I was doing some research on how the Pokémon TCG was handled in the past (because the ever-present "people aren't gaming the market" comments just rub me the wrong way) and I came across a video about Jamboree, the "lost" WOTC-produced Pokémon TCG set that was shelved when they lost the license.
There's a lot of stuff in here that's making me feel like TPCi is currently making the same "mistakes" and decisions that Wizards of the Coast made in the past regarding their handling of the TCG.

Oh, and remember those "people aren't gaming the market" comments I mentioned earlier? Well it turns out that gaming the market was a think back in the WOTC days, the video even mentions that WTOC gamed the singles market themselves via their Duelist and Topdeck magazines. If TPCi isn't having a bout of shared idiocy then the current situation has a good chance of being intentionally-made by some of their employees.
Probably the investors who want a QUICKER return. It's one thing to want to make an investment
Said investors are also more than likely using the TCG launder money for criminal organizations since that's a major problem for other collectible markets. I also know that some of the vendors at a local collectible show don't collect sales tax on cash purchases and report the bare minimum on yearly income taxes as a means of maximizing profit.
Pokemon should also copy what Nike did in regards to the Nike Dunks that scalpers were reselling. Nike noticed the popularity and tanked the prices by producing more. I'm willing to bet a lot of these people who started scalping Pokemon cards came from scalping sneakers.
Yes, the reprints is the problem is a logistic and basic problem, there a lot of markets and things in life that works in the same way, when low quantity, and high demand the price of the product rise, and there is a sector of people that tends to use this to for they favor.

the "scalpers" are a consequence of the state of the market they are not the main cause of the prices, they are people that are using the state of the market to get cash.

The main culprit are pokemon, clear and simple, you want the prices to deplete? generate a lot of product that cause the booster box to drop and regulate to price from a few years.

The "famous" tweet about prismatic revolutions, there is people that believe that reprint gonna solver anything? what gonna happen that a guy with a shop gonna have from 10 prismatic etb's to 15-20? and how many of that bussines owner gonna receive from 10 to 20 etb's? a 30% of owners?

in europe the journey together booster box is over, and nearly 240 euros the english version, that the peak of Surging sparks when peaked in popularity, and that's a set that have mixed feelings overall what gonna happen with destined rival? a present booster box over 300 euros on release?

And is not only a problem for players that wanna play the TCG, a large sector off people that sells cards, the vast majority they buy booster boxes and sell cards or do the typical 1+1 they kept one and open another, that type of people need a lot of years to create a certain money in they collections, for me that type of people are not scalpers, scalpers are the people that can buy like 30-40 boxes of a set without any problem and two months later do the same with the next set.

In the end, all this problems, situations, markets problems are easy to fix, print a lot of product, if the top2 TCG of the world is not capable of doing this, then this TCG card game is destined to die.
In the end, all this problems, situations, markets problems are easy to fix, print a lot of product, if the top2 TCG of the world is not capable of doing this, then this TCG card game is destined to die.
It more than likely won’t die because the current price manipulation nonsense doesn’t affect the competitive side too much, if we reach a point where players have to spend quadruple-digit numbers for a tournament-viable deck due to investors deciding that even the prices of base-rarity Pokémon ex are worth inflating THAT’S when TPCi would step in and do something about it.
I was doing some research on how the Pokémon TCG was handled in the past (because the ever-present "people aren't gaming the market" comments just rub me the wrong way) and I came across a video about Jamboree, the "lost" WOTC-produced Pokémon TCG set that was shelved when they lost the license.
There's a lot of stuff in here that's making me feel like TPCi is currently making the same "mistakes" and decisions that Wizards of the Coast made in the past regarding their handling of the TCG.

Oh, and remember those "people aren't gaming the market" comments I mentioned earlier? Well it turns out that gaming the market was a think back in the WOTC days, the video even mentions that WTOC gamed the singles market themselves via their Duelist and Topdeck magazines. If TPCi isn't having a bout of shared idiocy then the current situation has a good chance of being intentionally-made by some of their employees.

Said investors are also more than likely using the TCG launder money for criminal organizations since that's a major problem for other collectible markets. I also know that some of the vendors at a local collectible show don't collect sales tax on cash purchases and report the bare minimum on yearly income taxes as a means of maximizing profit.
you have a very active imagination

jamboree has literally nothing to do with anything happening right now, you are reaching really, really hard here.