Ruling Pokemon communication rulings


Aspiring Trainer
Okay, I couldn't find this in the compendium. However, I saw that you can't play Professor Elm if you have no cards in your deck. So my question is:
Can you use Pokemon Communication if you have now cards in your deck?

I know that you can failsearch communication even though you just added a Pokemon.
But since both players know before playing that card that there is nothing to search for, is it then legal?
Adding a Pokemon is a cost for using the actual effect, so I would guess it was same reason why you can't use Junk Arm if you have no trainers in your discard pile, even though you would discard a trainer from the hand as a cost.
based on the wording of pokemon communication, you first put the pokemon from your hand back into your deck (of 0) then search for a pokemon card.
based on this, you can take the same pokemon back or dont take a pokemon back and failsearch.

So I would think that it is possible to do it when your deck is 0, since when the search starts, there will be 1 card in your deck.

Can other Professors give insight?
Yes that's correct, because there is on card in the deck at the time of the search, you can play it with no cards in your deck.
Compendium said:
Bebe's Search (Rising Rivals; Secret Wonders; Mysterious Treasures)

Q. Can I play Bebe's Search with no cards in my deck?
A. Yes. When you put a card on your deck as the first step, you will be able to do the search in the second step. (May 8, 2008 PUI Rules Team)
Since you can play Bebe's Search with no cards in your deck, I'd say you can play Pokemon Communication with no cards in your deck.
(The two cards have the same effect, except Bebe's Search's 1st step is instead 'Put any 1 card from your hand on top your deck'.)