Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Theme Deck


New Member and Seller
I would like to know the list of each Diamon/Pearl theme deck!
If anyone knows it...

P.S.: I live in France, so please don't answer me "look at your shop"! And I've researched on Internet too, so...
Inferno Zone:

Infernape x1
Monferno x2
Chimchar x4
Medicham x1
Meditite x4
Rapidash x2
Ponyta x4
Starly x2
Hippowdon x1
Hippopotas x4

Professor Rowan x1
PlusPower x2
PokeBall x2
Pokedex Handy910is x2
Energy Search x2
Poiton x2

Fire Energy x16
Fighting Energy x8

Royal Frost

Empoleon x1
Prinplup x2
Piplup x4
Floatzel x1
Buizel x4
Noctowl x1
Hoothoot x4
Magneton x2
Magnemite x4
Goldeen x2

Rival x2
PlusPower x2
Energy Search x2
Double Full Heal x1
Energy Switch x2
Potion x2

Water Energy x18
Metal Energy x6

I don't have the third deck yet! :)
Well I have the third deck but I dont remember the exact list. I will check for u and make a list tonight because I am on my way out the door. I can tell u that it is a grass/dark deck.