Pokemon DP: Elemental Army (NEED FAKERS! 12 CARDS DONE!)

RE: Pokemon DP: Elemental Army (NEED FAKERS! 10 CARDS DONE!)

LV's pictures are a good bit more like the real cards, but otherwise they all look great
RE: Pokemon DP: Elemental Army (NEED FAKERS! 10 CARDS DONE!)

Giratina's finished!
RE: Pokemon DP: Elemental Army (NEED FAKERS! 10 CARDS DONE!)

You spelt conditions wrong but other than that good card!
RE: Pokemon DP: Elemental Army (NEED FAKERS! 11 CARDS DONE!)

May I suggest that you get a dA account & ask the artist if you can use their works.

LV (on dA) said:
May I use your art for fake cards (as yours are some of the best around)
This is what I get as a reply
PearlEden said:
Yes, you can (noods)
If you want to know PearlEden's dA here it is:

Edit: Here's a Kingdra that I made

RE: Pokemon DP: Elemental Army (NEED FAKERS! 11 CARDS DONE!)

Thanks LV!

Oh and I made a change to the first post. Now, DON'T MAKE THE CARDS IN RED OR GREEN NO MATTER WHAT! Thank you! :D
Why ? Just so you could do them I don't want to do any, sicne I'm not good at this stuff
Here's Manaphy

Manaphy Water 90 HP

Poke Power: Heart Swap
Before your turn you can use this Poke Power. This Poke Power automatically becomes that Poke Power or Poke Body of the Pokemon you chose. This Poke Power can't be used if Manaphy is Paralyzed

(WW) Tail Glow 40
(WWW) Hydro Pump 70

Weakness: Electric and Grass + 20
Resitance: Fire and Steel -20
Retreat Cost: 2 Energies

Said to be the Prince of the Sea, it guards over the Sea Temple which can only be seen during the total lunar eclipse
LOL. I posted on the wrong thread, I'm done the three cards: Mareep, Diglett, and Quilava, pictures will arrive soon, if you want to see them go to MasterGallade 's other fake card thread....sorry

hey andrew this is off topic but my L button is broken so bring your ds to ccd tommorow.

Just because you recognize that it is off-topic doesn't mean it is right to post it. Combine it with a post that is on-topic, or use the PM system instead. ~DRK176
Here are the cards I made.... ( click on them for bigger resolution)


I am also currently working on a few cards.

p.s. Quilava's Torch attack does x 20 not x 10 and the levels are Mareep:16 and Quilava: 26 (I'll edit that in)
Diglett shouldn't be weak against Psychic, it's isn't the Fighting type like Machop is. Machop is weak against Psychic, Diglett isn't
Three more cards are done: Horsea, Seadra, and Magneton !!!

Here they are:

Once again click on them to get a bigger resolution.

P.S. sorry about Diglett I guess he could be weak to grass ? (rate the card's please)

Another three are done: Cyndaquil, Larvitar, and Pupitar !!!

Click on them for bigger resolution. They are kinda simple but, a set does need "simple" cards, especially basic cards.

Thanks LV. Do you mean the card background had to be in D/P ? If so please tell me were I can get the templates !

She means like the template like there needs to be a description of Pupitar or something.
Oh ok, I'll try to add that, and add some energy-less attacks to some cards.

Here is a sample of my fake non-Pokemon Pokemon cards...

I know it's a little intense but whatever...

I am done Onix Lv.26 ! please let me know what you guys think even: "the line is too thick" is acceptable !

Hey you know what would be cool ? If WaterPokémonMaster let someone rate/analyze our cards...or...If someone posted a deck using the sets cards ! (* lightbulb *)

P.S. hey MasterGallade can I make some of the rare cards ?
(if not whatever)

P.S.S. hey noobiepie thanks for adding a monkey Pokémon to your team ! (Infernape)