Pokemon Pokemon figure game NOT released here?!?

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Aspiring Trainer
My brother and myself just got really excited about the Pokemon figure game snapshots we just saw! However, furter looking brought to light the
news that is IS NOT being relesed state side! In fact just in Europe and Austrailia!

What gives?!?!?
Awwww man, I'm in Singapore, I cant get it either, you can try going Europe or Australia for a holiday :D:p and then see if yer can get it or not.
Hmm... looks like this is no joke:



I have no clue why they would do that. Although I'm not really interested in the TFG, I'm sure it would disappoint a lot of people in the United States if they didn't release it here. Maybe they are releasing it in Europe and Australia before releasing it in the U.S. (at least I hope that's the case...).
Actually, it just remembered that many of the users on this forum come from Australia or islands in the Pacific. I'm sure that many of them will be indifferent (possibly even happy!) with the news, since it seems that the U.S. gets many things that other countries don't get. For those of you who fall into that category, what do you think about this?

I'm just more interested in the TCG and the GameBoy games than the TFG. There are many other TFG's out there already, so this isn't really anything new. In fact; I'm kind of surprised that Nintendo didn't do anything like this sooner.
While the game didn't look tht bad, I was mainly interested in the figures!
They were pretty sweet! Heh.. guess that's what eBay is for though!
who-hoo, finally, we get something that America doesn't, you guys have the journey across america, mastermind, (and any other new Pokémon episodes) and sooo many more dolls and figures, so i think poor forgotten Europe deserves something.
TFG here I come (not that I'm really interested, only if they release a mew figure:D)
BTW, it looks stupid anyways.
lol... if there actually is anyone jumping up and down because we get it and they don't... then they know how we feel about promotion legendaries.

I don't really care; personally it's a bad move. Pokemon's practically dead here.
Oh well if it doesn't come than at least we have a new set to look forward to.:)
i in england.it unfair on us u get evrything earlier!
its hard to get deoxys here jirachi bonus disk will....
u cant really complain


aaah!!!!!!my charizard had babies!
hey guy with weird name charizard my favourite as well!!!!!!


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