Pokemon flint application forms.Need spriters and composers.

~Magma King~

Nettle Carrier
Ok I think you get the point now.List of Needs:
Coder:We'll need one,but later,Once this develops.
Spriters:What use is a game without sprites?
Move animators:Yessss we need these
Menu sprites(animated):Like every pokemon game
Move and item creators:We do need these quite alot now!!!
Pokemon data:I make most of this,but another would be nice.
Music composer:AAAh yes,music to my ears when one of these come.
Sorry for the terrible,terrible joke.And for applications:

-name(obvious but)
-Preffered job
-some samples of you're work
-why you'd like to join
RE: Pokemon iolite application forms,post here to join iolite!

You forgot to put places on the list.I 'll try to do some more places.
RE: Pokemon scarlet application forms.Need spriters and composers.

Hey, my name id Mr.Monday, and I will go ahead and apply for Move and item creators, and Pokemon data, i would like to help with animation, but i am a horrible artist on or offline.  I have the ability to code, depending on the language, and I am familiar with the "Game Maker" program, which can be found at http://www.yoyogames.com/gamemaker/
RE: Pokemon scarlet application forms.Need spriters and composers.

Make yer mind up:DLets see some samples,and for pokemon data,that includes dex entries,steps to hatch,moveset,Exp at lvl 100.....yes.....yes....
RE: Pokemon scarlet application forms.Need spriters and composers.

Sorry bout that. Okay Here's something:

Store Poison: Increases attack when poisoned
Poisonous Scales: Give a chance to poison the foe when hit
When hit by or using physical attack, gives a small chance (15%) of poisoning the foe.
When it would be poisoned by an attack, instead it raises its sp. attack one level. If it's toxic, two levels.
Steps to hatch: 6290
Exp: 1,125,000
Egg: Monster Water 2-3(whatever Tentacruel is in)
Base happiness: 30
Catch Rate: 35
Effort Values: 2 sp. attack
Colour: Green
Poison Tail Pokemon
7'7" long 2'2" at the shoulder
235 lb.
It stores water in its massive tail, which it mixes with chemicals from its food to create energy.
It stores water in its massive tail, which it mixes with chemicals to create a poisonous substance which it then sprays out its mouth.
HP: 100
Atk: 125
Def: 100
Sp. Att: 90
Sp. Def: 90
Spd: 70
575 total

1. Ice Beam
3. Scratch
7. Bubblebeam
14. Poison Tail
22. Water Pulse
28. Aqua Tail
32. Sickly Water: new water move with a chance to poison
37. Gastro Acid
48. Gunk Shot
53. Hydro Pump

It sprite should have a large tail possibly with vertical fins, a head more like a Komodo Dragon than a Crocodile, and maybe fins to the side of its head.
RE: Pokemon scarlet application forms.Need spriters and composers.

The base stats are far too large,but apart from that 9.5/10!You're in!
RE: Pokemon scarlet application forms.Need spriters and composers.

ogh is this to get into iolite good thinking m8 also guess what? I hve got a lvl 38 staraptor now hazza! soz about this being off the subject but that woz urjent so plz do not report me okay!
RE: Pokemon scarlet application forms.Need spriters and composers.

good idea to make this!!
we should also make a results thread, that would be nice :)
and if I can post the music (NOT MADE BY ME) as an attachment, then I'll post it at the main thread (note that I say this because I dunno if you can post music files at the forums, not if I have the opportunity to do that)
RE: Pokemon scarlet application forms.Need spriters and composers.

- Name: Trademark
- Proffered job: Creating sprites

I'd like to join cozz I love making sprites :D

Here's one of my sprites I know he don't look that good, but he's one of my favorites sprites, He's one of my legendary beast trio.
I can make sprites without using other sprites as well, they just take longer :p
RE: Pokemon scarlet application forms.Need spriters and composers.

Show me a scratch sprite.Patience is a virtue.
RE: Pokemon scarlet application forms.Need spriters and composers.

hey we should divide this thread in: apply section and upgrade/acsension (choose the name) section, where helpers that are at least one month and a half ago, can have a more important job (just like I am the concept leader).
for example: in a month and a half, Mr. monday one may apply to become the stat/entries/all that leader, and QD could apply to become the spriter leader. in those cases, MMO should post several samples of his job, since he (because of his job, not because of his skills) can't make something "better", so we need more than one piece. and QD will have to make a superb sprite. got it?
     and supposing that QD passes and becomes sprites leader, the positions should be like this: (l=leader)
 CF (creator/leader)
  --- (general art)
QD (sprites l) ----(worlds l)  ----(icons l) FPS(concepts l)
-----(common spriter)---- (common) ---- (common) ---(common)
----- (the same)  ---- (the same) ----(the same) --- (the same)

-----(battle music l)  ------(overworld music l) ----(sound effects l)
----- (common) ------(common) 

and like that.

also to start with this section, I apply to be the general art director.
Why? simple, you know the formula:  concepts+talent+FPS= power. no, really. if someone makes a concept, he/she can guide spriters/icon makers', (like I do with QD to make a good sprite)since those things are based on concepts. then I've made one or two worlds, like orlight's place, and you've liked it. soo... I don't see why I can't.
RE: Pokemon scarlet application forms.Need spriters and composers.

I will show my art soon enough just you wait :DI noticed quick draws scrapincer looked like the d&p pincer sprite.Do a scratch sprite and I'll see.
RE: Pokemon scarlet application forms.Need spriters and composers.

are you telling ME to do a sprite???
duh remeber I can't it's like the spriters are my hands and I think and correct. anyways if that's the task i totally have to do... well give me the guide for spriting and I'll do one
RE: Pokemon scarlet application forms.Need spriters and composers.

I ment quick draw lol!But sprites are awfully hard.
RE: Pokemon scarlet application forms.Need spriters and composers.

phew, that was close... then what do you think? can I acsend???
RE: Pokemon scarlet application forms.Need spriters and composers.

remember that I've said if I could acsend to art director???? I mean that
RE: Pokemon scarlet application forms.Need spriters and composers.

OK. any idea of what the "later" means?? an hour? a day? a week? a month?? even more??