Pokemon Pokemon Food?

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A Hacked Soul

recipes Now I love to cook and I am working on how to make Poffins from the game in real life.
I have made a small batch and taken it to a pre-release and they went fast.
ia m still working on the shape and stuff when this got me thinking, hey what else Pokemon could I cook?
If you know of any stuff plz post it here.

I am gonna go ahead and post this for those of you that want to try out the poffins I made too.

1x Box of white cake mix.
1x Box of blueberry muffin mix (Blueberry is what I used. Gonaa try chesse cake flave or next)
3x eggs
1&3/4 cup of milk
Rassberry Extract (Replace for any other floor to what you want)
Red Food Coloring (Or any other color)
(I forgot the oil when I made mine, but it turned out fine)

1.Preheat overn to 350.
2.Mix cake mix and muffin mix in large bowel
3.Crack 3 eggs and add to the bowel.
4.Add the milk.
5. Add food coloring and extract to you liking.
6. mix for 5 min.
Since, most people don't have a mold, but have a muffin pan I am adding the direction for the muffin pan)(It will have sorta like a muffin top)
Fill each spot in the muffin pan half full.
cook in oven for 20-25min or untill light brown on top.
MAYS PURPLE SURPRISE!Seriously, that would be so cool!But anyway, I'm going to try to make some of these over the weekend.How are they supposed to get into that egg shape?
I see candies identical in appearance to Rare Candies all the time in Asian supermarkets. I don't like them too much though.

Certain types of dough and batter, when heated, will naturally make the round shape that Poffins come in. You just need to make sure there's yeast in there somewhere.

I also cracked up when I read "bowel" in the first post, especially "Mix cake mix and muffin mix in large bowel." I know it's just an honest spelling mistake, but I visualized something way different.
Ok spelling not my thing..
i am getting better since I have been writing a fanfic.
I am ordering a special mold for the round egg shape.
I tried it in the muffin pan only to find it rises more than I hoped it would...
In terms is looked like poffin Muffins.
Lava cookies.... I see hot spicy cookies.... Sounds like a hit!
How do they make those weird Mexican sweet bread things? They're shaped just like Poffins. Perhaps you can do what they did there.
This is so cool.Can someone put a up a picture of a fresh made batch?(not the Ken Sugimori art, a real one)I am gonna' try to make these this weekend.I have some questions

How do you make it into a poffin shape without a mould and give me specific directions (don't just say something like, have yeast in there somewhere).Also, you said that you forgot the oil but they turned oput fine, when/how should I put the oil in if I want to?Do you need to add yeast?Do you put it half way in the muffin pan on a particular side?Any tips?

I will when I make them for the 31st. (Battle Roads)
I have no clue how to make it into a poffin shape without the mold.
The oil to me would have just made it more moist and would cause it to turn out a weird way.
No yeast!
I filled each one 1/2 oway on the first batch and 1/3 of the ways on the 2nd batch.
You have to keep a eye on them when they are cooking.
use a toothpick to see if they are done.
(If you sick them and nothing come out with it then they are done or almost done.)
(Slight Brown on top shows done)
Seems interesting. Perhaps I'll give it a shot some time...

Perhaps you could venture into PMD series, and try out some of the Gummies? Perhaps Carmel Apples as Golden Apples? Sunflour Seeds as Reviver Seeds? Perhaps make some kind of crushed Spice Mix as seasoning for things, and call it a Max Elixer? I'm sure I've missed a few things, but if you look at the PMD series, you could find something I've missed.
Is there any chocolate Pokémon themed food because if there was I could easily whip up a batch of cocoa taffy and shape it.

Oh, and the poffins recipe looks cool.,
It might be better if you make homemade batter though

Maybe I should make a cooking club...
Homemade batter is what I am working on after the battle roads.
In this batch Will be making I will be using purrade mixed berries.
I am gonna use a mini-mufin pan so every one gets one this time.
Still working on the shape.
Sounds like a good recipe, for pretty much what a poffin is. If it has berries in it, it doesn't really seem like it would have yeast as well.

As for the shape, a Takoyaki pan or Danish Pancake pan might work. I have a Danish pancake pan coming in the mail right now; I'll have to try the recipe once I get the pan, or experiment with pancake mix (though it would turn out brown-colored, probably...)

Thanks for posting! I've been tryin' to come up with a recipe for ages now...

Sorry Tori, in this forum we don't allow posts in topics that have inactive for 2 weeks or more.

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