Pokemon Pokemon Forever?

Assaundrell Yumerai

Aspiring Trainer
> I know that most of the members here on PokeBeach are certified Pokemon fans. So I made this thread to know the response of other members.

>> What if, someone, a family member, a friend or a relative of yours might say ''oh, look at you, you are old but you still love Pokemons''? what will be your response? are you going to state your opinion? It's up to you.

>>> I know that as we grow, our lifestyle and traits change, so as our own ''style'' and we don't know the future of our destiny, right?

>>>> As for me, I will simply reply
= thanks for your concern, but on this world, people are different from each other, and as a Pokemon fan, I will stay with Pokemon forever...

I would be a little hesitant towards people I didn't know as well, but I would know that if Pokemon is something I enjoy, and there is nothing wrong about it, even in about 15 years from now, I would simply state:

"I have a lot of fun with it, and if I have a balanced lifestyle, it's my preference to play and enjoy it, and no one else has to be in to it for me to still have a great time doing it. Unless I get tired of it, age is not going to affect my decision." :)

That's what I believe I would say, but... it never actually happened to me, so... :p
Everyone does that to me actually. And you know what I say?

"If Pokemon doesn't exist, do novels exist? What about religion? You can't prove it's true. Art is fiction, and you can either learn to live with it or devote your life to the harsh world everyday. I find Pokemon to be an outlet of my imagination. I'm sorry if you don't have any."

Harsh, I know, but it's my belief.
For me? I'd be like "Pokemon? What's that, some clothes brand?"


I don't love Pokemon, I just play it for fun. That's what I tell idiots who laugh at me, not that I met any :/
89 panther, please don't talk in all caps. Some people could mistake it as you yelling.
I know there's a few people at school that like Pokemon, but i never talk about it. I told someone 2 years ago that i like Pokemon (i was 12 at the time!) and he said i was too old...
My answer is the following, every single time:

Pokemon is what I play in my spare time. I don't spend every waking moment on it, so stop pretending that I do. You don't see me making fun of your hobbies, do you? Everyone has a right to their own opinion, and I say that Pokemon is a fun game. Please stop being mean.

I actually paraphrased that so I wouldn't get a warning. :p
No one ever ask's me, and I really am not going to admit it.
I would reply:

(for people I really don't know)
"Oh look at you, you're old and a hater with so much lack of a life that you are worried about my life, perhaps you should go find a celebrity to stalk, (Apu accent) Thank you, come again."

(for people I do know)
"Awww, it's ok, not everybody has the intellectual capacity to be able to play a game that involves strategy and quick thinking, you stick with your alcohol eroding your liver, ciggarettes liquifying your lungs, and tv reducing your IQ to shoe sizes, I'll be ok ^.^"
Everybody knows I play Pokemon.

Wherever I go play other than League or Premier Events. Outsiders or anybody that doesn't play Pokemon say," Why are you still playing PokemAn? Grow Up."

My only response is, "This is my life, it's not yours. Butt out."
I love Pokemon. I'll introduce my kids to it, too... I'll give them my most favourite game, teach them how to play, and expect them to pass it on.. 8D
Wow. I don't know if I could say that. I get made fun of enough by my siblings. They always say im to old. I'm only 14! my "friend" holds it against me. If i make him mad, which I do, he says he'll tell everyone. it sucks.
Sorry about that. It isn't that bad for me. My neighborhood friends are into it too so luckily there isn't a problem. For some of my other friends.... if I can tell that they like Pokemon, I will share it with them. But if you don't look too obsessed, at least not in public, it really isn't much of a problem. That's at least for me anyways. It's okay to keep it secret. Just don't get too worried about keeping it in hiding. :)
shadow of the xatu said:
Wow. I don't know if I could say that. I get made fun of enough by my siblings. They always say im to old. I'm only 14! my "friend" holds it against me. If I make him mad, which I do, he says he'll tell everyone. it sucks.

That sucks, I'm 14 too and not too many people i know like pokemon... :(
People need to accept others if they like Pokemon. Like I mentioned before in similar thread, Pokemon is not always something for children. In fact, it is a game of strategy. You should listen to the Pokebeach Podcast in one of the old news archives on the main page. It talks a little bit about this topic. :)