pokemon hall of fame


shiny hunter
I had an idea wouldn't it be cool if there would be a pokemon hall of fame.One pokemon that would be in it for sure would be claydol GE.By the way pokemon can only be in the hall of fame if they have been rotated.

I think the secret rare reprints kind of hinted at this idea, since the first two were the Base Set Charmander evolution line and Haymaker's main attackers. Gardevoir from SW would def be in there also.
Dark Vileplum(team rocket), Electabuzz(base), Slowking(neo gen), Sneazle (neo gen) and Exeggutor δ (Ex Holon Phantoms) I think would be worth entering the hall of fame although I understand the Electabuzz and Sneazle has been reprinted.
Maybe it's just me, but I would personally add Base Set Blastoise to the 'Hall of Fame'. It was the archtype behind one of the most dominant decks Rain Dance (and I should know, having ran one during that time, it lost one out of twenty matches) during it's day, which was about the same time as the original Hayamker.

If trainers are allowed, I'd submit Pokemon Trader and Pokemon Breeder, due to the fact Rain Dance worked so much easier with them.
PPM, I agree. Counterattack...wow. Your opponent will fear having to attack Rocket's Hitmonchan.

Don't forget Flygon ex d DF. That card was a menace. Slowking Neo Genesis was a big one, and so was Celio's Network...if that counts. :p
@Rocket's Hitmonchan: Back then at least. These days, 60HP for a Pokemon that needs to take damage is laughable.

I wasn't playing back then, but didn't Lugia EX (UF) do really well?
I just noticed Elemental Blast on Lugia ex. Same one as on the Legend. That's a pretty cool card, not a fan of the art though.
Here's the problem: what makes a HOF card? Is Holon Tranceiver HoF because it was an engine? I would say no... but you all said Claydol was. If I was to name HoF cards, I would just name the top decks in the unlimited devision (if we had such tournaments ever). Cards like Sneasel Neo deserve mention for being banned, right? They are back and terrible cards now... does that make them not HoF? I don't think a HoF should be done. Things like that work in baseball because they all played the same game. They all had to hit the ball X number of times to get in the HoF (not really, but you get my point). In Pokemon, cards like Luxray GL X and Sneasel Neo cannot compare. Sneasel Neo was in an era of 60 HP being a lot... Luxray does 60 for 1 (few stipulations). It isn't the same game by any means.

Once again, if a HoF were to be enacted, I'd just name the cards that hold weight in unlimited.
EspeonROX said:
PPM, I agree. Counterattack...wow. Your opponent will fear having to attack Rocket's Hitmonchan.

Don't forget Flygon ex d DF. That card was a menace. Slowking Neo Genesis was a big one, and so was Celio's Network...if that counts. :p

Now that you mentioned Flygon EX d, Jolteon EX DS is also another good card especially when it is used for spreading decks.

Gliscor said:
@Rocket's Hitmonchan: Back then at least. These days, 60HP for a Pokemon that needs to take damage is laughable.

I wasn't playing back then, but didn't Lugia EX (UF) do really well?

True, Rocket's Hitmonchan's HP in the current game is pretty low but its Crosscounter attack is really nice though even though it's flippy. But just like EspeonROX said, some people might not even attack Rocket's Hitmonchan because of the attack.

Lugia EX did do well but along with Blastoise EX FRLG and Steelix EX UF in one deck called the LBS.
ALL THE CARDS IN LUDICARGO!!!! For more recent stuff, Mr. Mime MT, Gardevoir SW, Roseanne's Research, Dark Palm Dusknoir (DP).
@Zero I would think that a certain cards' qualifications, if you will, would be based off of the impact it had on the game at the time. Of course 99% of the classic sets would be horrid in this format, but back then there were obviously some cards that stood out. I can almost guarantee that after next rotation (which should be RR if they are starting a consistent rotation), Luxray GL Lv x will lose most of its value.

To go off the baseball analogy, you can't really compare players because baseball, as a game, has gone through several eras. The year of the pitcher caused a major change in baseball rules, including lowering of the mound. How would some more modern HoF pitchers do if they played on a lower mound? What about those just on the brink, would a lower mound have made them HoFs? The game (both baseball and pokemon) changes over time, and what is good today won't necessarily be viable tomorrow. One would have to look at the meta the card was played in to consider its HoF value.

A final example: before Babe Ruth, a 20 HR season was considered INCREDIBLE. But nowadays, hitting 20 HR's and doing little else will get you platoon time. (a la your Sneasel and Luxray comparison).
Why don't we toss in Flareon ex DS in there as well? Combined with Ariados UF, well, you had Flariados.

We all missed Pidgeot from EX FRLG. Great card.
What if we just made it so that you can only say things that could still be ok now, and things that were great in their time. Like you would just have 2 anwswers. For example:

Things that would still be great now: Gardevoir SW
Things that were great then: The holon engine
The only ones I can think of now are Sneasel, Slowking, and Luxray GL LV.X. Sneasel and Slowking were the only banned cards and Luxray GL LV.X is one of the most expensive played cards.
Scramble Energy, Energy Removal and Super Energy Removal are definitely some of the most dangerous and annoying card out there. I still remember how annoying when I played against decks that abuses the Energy Removals especially against Water decks that focuses on constantly removing your attached energies. Crystal Beach is also worth pointing out. That card definitely make the likes of Double Rainbow Energy, Scramble Energy useless when it was widely used especially in decks like G&G.